Chapter #50 S P E C I A L

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   "Wait, what?"

    The blonde haired boy rolled his eyes, crossing his arms and sighing dramatically. "John, we both know that you understood what I said, if you decide to be clueless, then be my guest. Just as long as you don't pester me."

      The ravenette frowned, and turned around, looking for any familiar face. "Ah!" He strides towards the red haired boy, who was examining his hands carefully, and was squinting. His head snapped up when he heard the voice of his friend.

      "Oh, it you..." he gave him a glare, and looked around. "Tell me will you, where exactly are we? And what exactly are we supposed to be doing?"

       "That's just what I was about to ask you!"

        "Well," the red haired boy shrugged, looking around at the rest of the people who sat there with them. "Doesn't really look like we are going to get anymore information from anyone here." He stood up from his chair, and walked up to his raven haired friend, "I suppose you could say we are screwed?"

        The air tensed as Flint spoke those words, almost on cue, everyone locked eyes with both boys standing in the corner. And the stare that they gave the, sent shivers down their spines.


       The door opened, and as silent as the young girl could, she crept up against the wall. Leaning against it and pretending that she was there the whole time. However, when everyone turned their attention to her, she quietly mumbled a, "Sorry.... I'm late."

       "Sera!" John ran over to the magenta haired girl after he caught sight of her. "Finally! Please tell me what's going on here! Neither me or BlueBerry understand!"

        After giving the ravenette a look, Seraphina rolled her eyes and took one step forward. "Didn't you explain it to them Arlo? It's rather simple really."

         "Tell that to the black haired idiot. He doesn't understand a thing."

         The 'Black haired Idiot,' turned to give Arlo a glare. "We didn't ask for your comment Ass-lo, now tell us what the f*ck is going on here. And for gods sake, try to be quick about it."

           Nobody defended the poor blonde haired boy, and with no other decision than to sigh and agree, the blue eyed boy began.

         "So, it's practically a game of Truth or Dare preformed by people in the 'Real World.'" He rolled his eyes when saying this, and sighed, crossing his arms. "Meh, probably just a bunch of troublesome kids in the school trying to find out some secrets. But anyway, none of us get to ask or dare people, we just answer or do."

        Isen and Blyke raised their eyebrows, and squinted. "And why do we have to do this? It's not like we are being forced or anything, besides, what would we benefit from this?"

        Seraphina turned to give both of them a glare, "The headmaster suggested we do this, I have no idea why, so don't ask."

Everyone was quiet after that, and the silence only tensed the air. The room wasn't very big either, and so most of them leaned against the wall. There were seven of them. The three who sat in chairs were the trio, Remi Blyke and Isen. On the other hand, leaning up against the wall was both Arlo and Flint, along side Seraphina. John simply stood in the middle of the room, standing up.

"Well," Remi looked around, trying to see what everyone's reaction was. "We might as well get started, I have a life outside of school y'know."


The blonde haired boy held up a sheet of paper, "Here it is. Since none of you have the paper, I can read it out loud." Nobody interrupted him, so he took that as a yes.

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