Chapter #3 John

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The suns rays of light woke me up. From the distance, I could hear my dad yelling, "John, wake up!" I stood up, wiping my drowsy eyes, and remembering that I needed to get up to do something important, what was it?

"John Doe," I could hear my dad storming to my bedroom, "Get your lazy but over here you..." He entered the room. "You were already awake!" My dad looked at me in surprise. I was jumbled in the blankets, rubbing my eyes and sighing, I sat up.

"Dad," I groaned, "I literally just woke up."

He scanned me, most likely checking to see if I was lying or not. "Fine," he told me, "But get some breakfast and put some clothes on." With that, he left the room, leaving me to my tired state.

I nodded and began to fix myself up.

"John?" My dad asked when I entered the kitchen, "Did you get some breakfast?" He pursed his lips, and awaited my answer, although we both knew that I hadn't eaten anything yet.

I rolled my eyes, "Dad, stop acting like I'm a two year old, please."

"Hey," My dad defended, "I would stop if you stopped acting like one."

I raised my hands up, "Please enlighten me, how am I acting like a two year old."

My dad replied by shoving me out the door and mumbling, "get some exercise son."

I glared at the door, but complied. I took a small jog around the small neighbourhood and stopped at some of my favourite places. The jog continued on, until I reached my favourite place. The clock store.

When I was younger, I would always beg my dad to come to the clock shop. As usual, my father always looked at me strangely and asked me why. My answer was always, "because it's like my own closet."
And as much as my father asked for a better answer, I was stubborn and was too young to say anything better.

"Dad!" I yelled, "daddy!!" I ran to my father who was peering around town.

"Yes John," he glanced at me and ruffled my hair.

"Dad!!!" I yelled once again, "Daddy!"

My father rolled his eyes, "what is it?" He kneeled down to my level and smiled.

"It's the big gloomy building over there!" I pointed to a dark coloured small store.

He laughed, "Are you scared?"

I nodded, fear in my eyes, "it's humongous," I stretched my arms wide, "and I bet that an old man lives there!"

My dad sighed, "Well John, do you want to check the place out?"

"No way!!" I cried out, "didn't you hear what I just told you? The building is scary! That's the last thing I want to do!"

My dad gave me a mischievous look, he picked me up and began to walk to the scary store.

"No!" I screamed, "No!!"

"Come on," my dad teased, "you just told me how much you loved this store."

"You must have heard wrong," I yelled, "I said that I didn't want to go, please!"

It was too late, because now, I was in the store, and in the seat of the cashier, was an old man.

"I told you!!" I screamed, "it's the old man!!!! Help! Help!"

     "John," my dad groaned, "stop acting like the world is ending."

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