Chapter #14 Seraphina

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   Lead me not into temptation...
Oh, who am I kidding, follow me, I know the shortcut!

      "Missed," I yelled, dodging one of the energy beams flying my way.

       "This isn't fair," Blyke groaned, "I wanted to train, but this is too difficult!"

      I shrugged, "you can quit if you want, besides, you Are already an elite tier."

      Blyke shook his head, "my ability hasn't reached its potential, let's keep going."

      I sighed. Last week, Blyke had begged me to train with him so that he could reach his potential with his ability. So far, nothing had changed, at least not to him. I could tell that he was getting better with his movements.

          "You are getting better with experience," I told him, "when you try to go against someone else, this will seem easy."

            He nodded, but I could tell that he didn't agree with me. He was convinced that he couldn't do much, and wasn't confident in his capability's.

He put his hands out, and it was obvious to me that he was going to shoot some more energy beams. Maybe that was something he could work on...

"Stop being so obvious when you,want to shoot your opponent," I told him teasingly as I easily dodged two of them. "You give to much time for the opponent to react."

He glared at his hands, "Then what do you I suppose I do?"

I walked towards him slightly, and pointed to his hands, which were stretched out.

"Try moving and shooting them at the same time," I commented, "it will make your movements more fluid and unpredictable."

He looked at me strangely, "and how will I do that?"


I mimicked him in his action he did last time, stretching out my arms and stretching my fingers wide. "This is what you were doing last time."

I now got into a ready position, and jumped to the side. As I did this, I stretched my arm to the side as if I was going to grab something. But as fast as lightning, I changed the direction of my palm to him and pretended that something shot out.

"How was that?" I asked.

He grinned, "I think I understand what you were trying to get at." He crossed his arms, "instead of being so obvious and predictable with my actions, I should almost keep them secret and hard to identify."

I nodded, "exactly! Now you can try it."

He looked a bit uncomfortable but stood up straight. "Okay then."

He jumped to the side just like I had done, but twirled when he landed. Then he faced me and stroked his hands out fast, two energy beams flew my way.

My ability flashed, and I jumped out of the way, "not bad!" I praised.

He stared at his hands, "I feel way cooler when I do that."

I smiled, "yeah, you just need a little bit more practice and you got it. But trust me, your a fast learner, this will come fast to you."

He nodded, "thanks Seraphina!" He scratched the back of his head, "lately, you've been a lot nicer to everyone, I appreciate it."

That was surprising.

"Thanks," I didn't really know what to say. Had I really changed that much?

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