- twenty five

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on monday, after i spent the weekend at chenle's house, it was finally time to go back to school. we actually weren't supoosed to have school today, since it's one of our extra 'bad weather days' and they were going to use today as a teacher work day, but last night, they decided that would be a bad idea due to exams coming up. it was also partly due to the fact that it seemed like everyone could use the extra school day to prepare.

me and chenle ate breakfast downstairs before getting our backpacks ready. there was one thing we forgot to do, though.

turn our clocks back last night.

there we were, at 'seven am', thinking we would even be a little bit early to school today. we were taking our sweet time to get ready.

around thirty minutes later, chenle was finally ready for school, and so was i.

we got inside of his car and blasted 1980's top hits until we arrived at school.

it was strange. it seemed like nobody was there. nobody was pulling into the parking lot, and there wasn't a massive line of cars in the circle drive like there usually was.

we checked the time. 7:48. school starts at 8 am.

"are we too early?" i asked chenle, confused as to why there wasn't a whole crowd bombarding the door like most days.

"we shouldn't be that early. school only starts in twelve minutes." he said, turning off his car.

still skeptical, we walked up to the school doors, which were, conveniently, unlocked. we opened the door and walked inside the school. the only people in the hallways were a couple of stray teachers that were either just 'strolling' or trying to capture kids to turn in to the front office.

unfortunately, one of those teachers stopped me and chenle from walking to our class by standing in front of us and holding his arms out like he was a castle guard.

"where do you two think you're going?" the teacher asked, or rather threatened in a harsh tone.

"we're just going to class." i spoke for us.

"do you have a pass?" the teacher questioned.

a pass? why would we need a pass to class if school hasn't even begun?

"no....." chenle answered his question.

"well, i'm sorry to say this, but since class started an hour ago, you're going to have to wait in the front office for a pass." the teacher crossed his arms now, raising an eyebrow.

"an hour ago?" i asked confused. "but it's 7:50 am!"

"no, it was 7:50 am. an hour ago. we changed our clocks last night, remember?" he started tapping his foot on the tile floors.

"i didn't know that..." chenle mumbled.

"well, it looks like you two are just so interested in flirting with each other that you forgot to pay attention to what's happening in the real world." the teacher snorted and chuckled at his comment, only to have chenle rip one right back at him.

"we're twins." chenle lied, making the teacher shocked. the older man's eyes widened and he stuttered.

"oh- i- uh- oh- wow i- i'm so sorry i- i didn't know you two were siblings, i- i'm so sorry about that." the teacher said, only to end up straightening up his posture again and pushing us back towards the front office's door. "you two still need to wait in here though. just sit tight and eventually they'll get you a pass to class."

chenle and i sighed and followed his orders. as we retraced our steps and walked into the front office, we saw a few familiar faces.

waiting in line for a tardy pass, there stood renjun, hani, jisung, and...


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