- fifty

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i rushed back to the spot i was just at to make sure i hadn't left it at the corner.


it was gone.

was i going crazy?

i thought jaehyun was the nice one, but maybe looks really can be deceiving.

trying to shake it off, i continued walking to the cafe, which wasn't too far away. thankfully, my phone was in my pocket and not my purse, because surely, that would've been bad.

at least there was hardly anything in there. i wasn't really planning on buying anything at the cafe, so i really only had a couple of old chapsticks in there.

i let out a sigh as my shoe kicked the loose pebbles on the ground.

after a quiet moment of walking, i reached the cafe. i opened the door and started looking for donghyuck. i didn't want to look like a dumbass just looking around for someone they can't find, but that sort of failed.

i started walking through the cafe to see if i could spot him, but before i could get very far with straining my eyes, i felt a tap on my shoulder. i turned around to meet his eyes.

"oh hey." i said.

"hey, i saved a table for us over there, but i guess you're just blind." he teased, and i chuckled. "hey, are you okay? it looks like you were just crying."

"what? oh, no, yeah, i'm fine, it's just... i'm fine now." i said, brushing it off.

"oh. well, i'm sorry for when i kept interrupting whatever you were doing earlier, i just really wanted to talk to you." he turned around, and i followed him to the table he saved. "this is yours. i bought it for you." he said as he slid a coffee towards me.

"oh, thank you. you didn't have to do that." i said, but in reality, i was pretty thankful because any spare change i did have in my stolen purse wouldn't have been enough to buy anything anyways, and i didn't just want to be awkwardly sitting there the whole time with nothing to distract myself with.

"um, so, i don't know if you know this, but hani's mom died." he said, becoming more sincere and serious. i looked down at my fingers, hoping the tears didn't start up again.

"yeah, i know." i replied quietly.

"and i don't know if you know what that means for their family." he continued. i looked up at him, confused.

"what do you mean?" i asked.

"now that her mom is out of the house, her dad has full control of what she does." i sighed. i knew how her dad could be.

he continued, "so, you know how he's very particular about her social status?"

i nodded, "yeah, i know."

"well, i overheard her talking on the phone to him the other day, and it sounded like her father forced her into pushing you away so she could heighten her status at school." he said.

"what?" i asked, not entirely surprised, but still not fully willing to believe the story.

"i don't think it's her fault she's acting like this towards you. i think she's just scared of what her dad will do if she doesn't obey him." he said softly. i looked up at him.

"do her friends know that?" i asked.

he shook his head, "not from what i've heard."

i sighed, "how do i talk to her now? i wanna say something and be nice to her, but how am i supposed to do that if her friends will see me and tell someone that we were talking?"

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