Chapter 7

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 It had been six hours since anyone had seen Tim on the roof of the police building. While the Batplane was being fueled the members of the batfamily dispersed looking for clues.

Meanwhile Tim was in a dark room he tried to stand but realized he was bound to a chair. His hands were tied behind the chair and his ankles, tied to the legs. He struggled against the restraints, but they wouldn't come loose. "Don't bother, bird," Tim knew that voice. The Joker. He struggled even more, thrashing, desperately trying to break free. The Joker came towards him, crowbar in hand. He knew what this meant. He was going to beat him to a pulp and probably leave him to die, like Jason. He remembered what happened to Jason. Kidnapped. Beaten. Then the Joker blew him up. "Calm down!" The Joker laughed, "The worst part is yet to come!"

"Get away from me you sick creep!" Tim spat. The threat did nothing but make the Joker laugh harder than ever.

"The little bird is making threats! How cute!" The Joker laughed. Tim struggled even harder, tears forming in his eyes. He wanted to go home. To the Batcave. To Wayne Manor. To anywhere but here. The Joker was now a foot away from him. He raised the crowbar above his head, ready to strike. "Where should I hit you first? The knee or gut?" The Joker's grin sickened Tim. How could someone be so joyful about torture? Tim already knew the answer. Someone so crazy, they were beyond helping. Their mind would never heal. All they wanted to do was cause chaos. Killing anyone in their way. That was what the Joker was. The worst kind of human.

"Why do you even want me here?" Tim asked, his voice cracking. He fought hard to hold back the tears.

"I don't want you," The Joker answered, "But he does," He pointed behind him and another familiar face appeared. Ra's al Ghul. Damian's grandfather. His green cape flowed behind him.

"Hmm..." Ra's al Ghul looked over Tim, studying him. He touched the underside of Tim's chin with two fingers and lifted up his head. Tim quickly moved his head away from Ra's al Ghul's long fingers. "You can put down the crowbar, Joker. We don't want to hurt him.... Yet," The way Ra's al Ghul said 'yet' made Tim shiver. What was he planning? He heard the Joker sigh and drop the crowbar into the floor. It landed with a loud clang and the Joker sat on a large wooden crate. "Don't worry Joker. You'll have your fun," Ra's Al Ghul said.

"Why!" Tim screamed, "Why me!"

Ra's Al Ghul chuckled, "You'll find out soon enough, Detective."

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