Chapter 19

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The whole family was shocked. Damian was sobbing while Dick whispered comforting words to him. Bruce was staring at the room that the Joker took Tim into, wondering about his son. Jason was plotting his revenge. He was going to kill the Joker after this. He would make sure of it. Suddenly, shrieks from the next room echoed around them. They stared at the door. It was Tim. The shrieks got louder and louder, then, a bang. A gunshot. Tim. Red Robin. All of the family's memories with him rushed through their heads. He was gone. He had to be. The Joker emerged from the room, smiling. Blood splatter stained his clothes, "Well that was fun!" He said cheerfully. He threw his crowbar to the ground and looked at the family.

"Why? Why him? He did nothing to you!" Bruce screamed. Tears were streaming down his face. The others were screaming too, but the Joker ignored them, he only wanted to hear what the great, big, Batman had to say.

"Aww, Batsy, you're gonna make me cry," The Joker teased. He looked over at Jason, who couldn't even face him, "How does it feel to know that you failed to protect your brother? To protect what mattered most? To protect your family?" Jason lunged for the Joker, but the restraints and the chair stopped him. He cursed loudly and tried to fight off the ropes that bound him.

"You know nothing about me or my family Joker!" Jason yelled, "How dare you do this to them! To me! To my brother! You will die for this and I'll make sure it's slow and painful! One that will be remembered!" Jason seemed to grin mischievously.

"I love slow and painful deaths! Reminds me a lot of yours!" The Joker laughed. Jason, once again, tried to free himself, but, once again, failed. The Joker then turned to Dick, "How about you? You've lost two of your brothers. I bet you'll feel even worse when you lose a third," The Joker glanced at Damian who was still sobbing.

"No! If you touch him, I swear..." Dick threatened.

"Ha! You'd never break dearest Batsy's number one rule! You won't kill me. None of you will. You all care too much about your dear Uncle J," The Joker smiled, then turned to Jason, frowning, "Except you. You never really cared much for rules. That's why you were always my favorite. An easy target," Jason was struggling against the ropes so hard now that his wrists were bleeding, "Easy Hood. We don't need you to bleed out right before our big plan," The Joker said.

"I don't care," Jason said, still struggling.

"Whatever," The Joker said, turning to Bruce, "You lost another one Batsy. I thought you were supposed to protect them," The Joker taunted, "Guess I was wrong," He shrugged and turned away from the heroes, "Now I have a dead bird I have to get rid off," The Joker went into the next room. The one he brought Tim into. The one he killed Tim in.

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