Chapter 17

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They were all tied up. They all had separate chairs. Damian was still bleeding, but it wasn't as bad as before. He was conscious, which was a good sign, at least he was alive. Tim on the other hand was pale, his breathing shallow, he was still unconscious. "Glad you're awake, Grandson. You're a very important part of my plan," Ra's al Ghul said, noticing Damian.

"Why," Damian croaked, "Why do you need all of us? Just take me. Let everyone else go."

Ra's al Ghul laughed, "You really think I'm that dumb, don't you. As soon as I let your family go, they would just find me again and get you back."

"Then at least let Tim go. He's not apart of this," Dick spoke up, "He needs medical attention or else he'll die."

"You are such a good big brother aren't you, but can't you see? Your brother was apart of the plan all along. This was his role," Ra's al Ghul explained, "We don't even need him anymore," Ra's al Ghul began laughing once he saw Dick glaring at him, "Joker!" Ra's al Ghul called, "Come here!" Shortly after the Joker came, his crowbar in hand, "Get rid of him," Ra's al Ghul gestured to Tim.

"No! You can't take him!" Bruce pleaded, his cheeks were already wet with tears.

"Watch me," Ra's al Ghul said with a serious tone. He ignored the other heroes' pleas as he and the Joker untied Tim's unconscious body and dragged him away.

"This is all my fault," The Bat-family looked over to Damian. They could barely hear him through his sobs.

"Why would this be you fault Damian?" Dick asked gently.

"I- I'm the reason we're all here. I came up with the plan," Damian answered, "My plan. My fault." Bruce stared at his son, unable to believe that Damian would blame himself for something that they didn't even control.

"Damian, we had no control over the actions of the Joker and Ra's al Ghul. It was their choice and their fault. Not yours. Not mine. Nobody's fault but theirs," Bruce looked at Damian, affection in his eyes.

"Bu- But Tim. He's going to die because of me. Our brother. My- my brother," Damian began to sob louder than before, "I- I'm sorry. I- I've failed you all."

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