Chapter 25

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Tim limped down the dark stairs, wincing with every step. He hoped Ra's al Ghul had bought that he was in the woods, but he knew it would only distract him for a few hours. He needed to get to the Batcomputer. He tried his best not to scream, the pain he felt was almost unbearable. Once he had reached the Batcomputer he was already out of breath. He needed to rest, but now was not the time. He quickly typed something and hit enter. It was a message. After the message was sent a name popped up, Cassandra Cain. Tim breathed a sigh of relief, help was on the way. He sat in the chair in front of Batcomputer, his whole body stung and blood was starting to show through his bandages. Finally, he passed out from the pain.

"Tim? Tim!" A female voice woke him up. He slowly opened his eyes to see.... Cassandra.

"Cass? What are you doing here?" Tim's memory was fuzzy and he couldn't really remember much.

"Y- you sent a message to me. You said that Ra's al Ghul had attacked and that I should come to the cave immediately. Don't you remember?" Cassandra asked, worry was filling her voice, "And what happened to you?" She looked at his wounds, the bandages were even more blood soaked. Suddenly, everything came flooding back to Tim. The Joker. Ra's al Ghul. The torture. His family coming to save him. His family.....

His eyes widened and started to well up with tears. He tried to blink them away. He couldn't cry now. He had to get them back. He needed to get them back. He needed his family. "Everyone... they were captured trying to save me. Dick, Damian, Jason, Stephanie and Barbara. Bruce..." Tim looked at the floor as one single tear fell down his cheek and on to his torn Red Robin uniform.

"We'll get them back Tim. You know that," Cassandra gripped his shoulder gently, "Now you need to heal. We can't do anything if your all beat up."

"Okay Nurse Cassie," Tim said sarcastically, "You know I'm still going to help." Cassandra rolled her eyes at him smiling for the first time since she had arrived to see him surrounded in his own blood, "We both know no one can stop a former Robin from doing what they set their mind to. All of you are just too stubborn." Cassandra teased. She had guessed Alfred had been in the middle of bandaging him because they were still loose and easy to remove. Once she finished bandaging him and removing the bullet from Tim's leg he fell asleep and she got to work on a plan.

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