Chapter 34

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They had reached the warehouse. They burst through the doors, weapons and super powers at the ready. The quickly began to search the place. Looking in every nook and cranny, but also trying to stay as quiet as possible. They couldn't risk being heard, it was a covert mission. Eventually, they had reached a hallway, doors lined both sides.

"This could take awhile, but if you find anyone, untie them and continue searching," Cassandra whispered, Tim was next to her, he was using a crutch to hold himself up. Nothing was going to stop Tim from saving his girlfriend. She was his life. He was not about to let her go. The team nodded and they set off. She looked through about four rooms before she found Dick and Barbara.

"Cass?" Dick asked as she entered the room, Tim followed and as soon as Dick saw him, his face lit up, "Tim! You're alive!"

"Yeah, I am. Now shut up, unless you want us all killed," Tim said as Cass untied Dick and Barbara, who was mostly silent.

"St- Stephanie, I heard her scream," Barbara murmured, her eyes wide and full of pain. "Is- Is she-"

Tim's face darkened, "No, but if we don't get to her soon, she will be," Barbara nodded grimly and the left the room to meet up with the others.

They met up in the hallway with the rest of the team, they had found Jason, Damian, Alfred, and Bruce, all of which looked worried. The only room they haven't checked now was the one at the end of the hallway.

"Stephanie..." Tim muttered, using his crutch, he quickly made his way to the door. He flung it open to see Stephanie, battered, bloody, and unconscious. The bomb attached to her began to beep rapidly, the clock's timer reading, 1 minute. Tim immediately rushed over to her and pulled pliers out of his secret pocket. He eyed the wires attached to the bomb a blue one and a red one. One stopped the bomb, and one activated it immediately, killing everyone inside. Which one was the right one? 45 seconds... Stephanie's eyes fluttered open.

"Tim..." Her voice was barely more than a whisper.

Tim's eyes quickly welled up with tears, "Steph, I- I don't know how to disarm the bomb. I- I could kill us all," Tim cried. 25 seconds...

"Tim, I know you will choose the right one. You're the smartest guy I know. You can do this," Stephanie encouraged him.

15 seconds...

"What if I can't do it?" Tim asked, tears rapidly falling down his face.

10 seconds...

"Then just know that I love you, no matter what," Stephanie smiled, tears slowly rolling down her cheeks.






(Author's Note: This is the end of the book! We are so happy that we finished it, but make sure to look out for the second one!)

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