Chapter 30

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 Tim and Cassandra were sitting in front of the Batcomputer, when a file appeared labeled, Enjoy! Cassandra looked at it suspiciously, "Should we open it?" She asked, turning to Tim. He simply nodded and she clicked on the link. A video started to play and she immediately regretted her decision

"Stephanie..." Tim's voice was barely more than whisper. Tears were already streaming down his face.

"Hello Birdboy! Just thought you might enjoy to see this little chat I had with your girlfriend!" The Joker's voice rang in Tim's ears.

"No... No!" Tim muttered through his sobs. Stephanie was covered in bruises and blood was smeared across her face. The Joker stood over her, crowbar in hand. It eerily reminded Tim of his own experience with the Joker. Stephanie glanced at the camera, her eyes wide. I love you, she mouthed. Then, the screen went black, but the audio was still on. Stephanie was screaming and crying as the Joker was yelling at her to sit still. Once the camera came back on Cassandra gasped and Tim began to sob even louder. Stephanie was strapped to a chair with a strange device strapped to her body. As Tim looked closer he noticed what the device was. A bomb.

"Oh Birdboy!" The Joker called, "You see this bomb I attached to your precious girlfriend? Well, if you're not here in 2 hours then you might as well say goodbye to your family!" The Joker smiled, waved, then shut the camera off.

"We have to get there," Tim winced as he tried to stand. Cassandra quickly forced him to sit back down.

"We can't. Your in no condition to fight and I can't do this alone. We have no one that can help us," Cassandra explained.

"We can at least try," Tim said.

"And risk getting both of us captured? Killed? They need us and we can't help them if we're dead!" Cassandra raised her voice, her hands waving wildly as she tried to explain.

"Well then what do you suppose we do then?" Tim asked, glaring at her.

"I- I don't know," She admitted, looking down at her feet. Tim grumbled something that Cassandra couldn't hear and rolled his chair over to the Batcomputer. He quickly typed something in and a list of names popped up.

"These guys can help us. We can get our family back."

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