Chapter 26

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 Barbara groaned as she lifted her head to examine the room. It had no windows and one steel door. She tried to move, but she noticed that her legs and wrists were chained to a metal chair. She winced as pain shot through her body. "Barbara? Are you okay?" Barbara looked to her left to see Dick. He had red marks around his neck.

"Dick! What happened? Where are we? Where is everyone else?" Barbara asked, concerned for her family and boyfriend.

"They separated us into different rooms once you and Stephanie arrived." Dick replied. Barbara looked at him, 'Even when in captivity he is so handsome!'

"I'm glad we got put together Babs, I am worried though." Even from under his mask she knew that his eyes were filled with concern. "Why?" Barbara asked, "We're together, I'm here with you."

"Exactly, we're together. Babs, I would do anything for you or anyone else in this crazy, dysfunctional family we have. What if they use that against us? I love you, Batgirl, and I know that is my weakness." Dick explained. Barbara stared at him in shock, I love you, those were his words, "'Wing you are so hot when you're worried. But, you're wrong we're not each other's weaknesses," she paused making sure he was looking her in the eyes, "We're our strengths."

Dick looked at her with a childish grin on his face, "I wish I weren't chained to this chair right now. I want to kiss you so bad. This is so not whelming!"

Barbara smiled back at his childish antics, "As soon as we get out of these chains you are taking me out on a date, Boy Wonder."

"Anything you want Princess!" Dick countered. Suddenly, a scream shot through the air. Dick and Barbara froze, recognizing the voice. "Steph........"

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