Chapter 10

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 Damian was frustrated. His grandfather, Ra's al Ghul had taken Tim Drake and even worse, had hired the Joker. Damian was in a small dark room getting samples. He knew they were here but where were they now?

Damian sighed and hung his head, eyes growing moist. He sniffled trying to hold the tears back. He was focusing so hard that he didn't hear Barbara sneak up on him, "This isn't your fault." Barbara said in her Batgirl costume.

Damian smiled sadly at her, "But it is." he said, "I need to tell you something."

 All of the Bat-family was gathered in the batcave. They were all staring at Tim's empty chair in the corner. Finally, Dick spoke up, "So, you had something to tell us." he looked at Damian who suddenly looked ten times smaller. "Yes, I know why my grandfather is doing this," he paused looking across the room before Dick nodded at him. Damian went on deflating, "My grandfather approached me three weeks ago. He said he wanted me to come back to the League of Assassins."

Bruce visibly flinched. Bruce asked Damian, "Why didn't you tell me?" Damian looked like he was trying to become a part of the chair. "I told him no, that I wouldn't go back. This is my home." Damian's voice cracked as he told his family the last sentence.

Damian looked like he was going to cry as he continued his story, getting sympathetic looks, "Then he attacked me. He told me I was not worthy to be his grandson or his heir. As we fought I was in position to strike him and instead I scraped his cheek. He frowned at me and told me that he would get me back. Then he disappeared but not before telling me to enjoy my new family... while I had you," He started to cry so hard that no one could hear him saying over and over again, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He was soon surrounded by five hugs. 

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