Chapter 14

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The Bat-family was a couple blocks away from the Joker and Ra's al Ghul's hideout. They were preparing to send Damian to the meeting with Ra's al Ghul. "Damian, be safe," Batman said weakly.

Then, as if they all vanished into thin air, all of the Bat-family disappeared leaving Damian and Jason alone on top of a shorter building. "Why do villains always choose warehouses as bases? It makes no sense!" Jason laughed, trying to lighten the mood.

Damian looked over at Jason tears in his eyes that he had been hiding for the past several minutes, "Do you think this will work?" Damian asked shyly voice cracking.

Jason got in his knees so he could look Damian in the eye, "Damian, I want to tell you a story. When I was young... When I was Robin, I was foolish. I went after the Joker, by myself. I was captured, beaten, and blown up. I died, but was lucky enough to have a second chance. Tim might not have that second chance. So, I want you to go in there, and bring our brother home. For me and Batman and everyone else. I believe in you," Damian began to cry and Jason pulled him into a hug, "You can do it Damian," Jason let go of Damian. Damian stared at Jason for a moment and then nodded. He used his grappling gun and launched himself towards the warehouse.

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