Chapter 11

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Tim cowered before the Joker. The Joker raised his crowbar and slammed it down, hitting Tim in the stomach. Tim opened his mouth to scream, but it just came out as a barely audible groan. Tim felt as if his ribs were broken, which they probably were. The Joker hit him again and again. Tim spit blood onto the stone. He tried to crawl away, but the Joker grabbed his leg and dragged him back. It was getting hard for him to breath now. The Joker hit him again. This time Tim managed to shriek in pain. The Joker laughed. The Joker was about to hit him again when Ra's al Ghul grabbed his arm gently, forcing him to lower the crowbar. Tim couldn't move. The pain was too much for him. He felt as if his lungs were on fire, and his ribs were shattered to pieces. He groaned, blood streaming from his nose, "We need him alive, Joker," Ra's al Ghul said, "I told you, you will have your fun, but not yet. Not now." Ra's al Ghul turned away. The Joker glanced at Tim sprawled across the cave's floor, "You're lucky little bird, see you soon," and quickly followed behind Ra's al Ghul throwing the crowbar beside Tim's head.

Tim heard Ra's al Ghul and the Joker talking, but he couldn't make out what they were saying. After a while, Ra's al Ghul walked over to him. He reached down to Tim and lifted him up. Tim's body ached, he winced in pain as Ra's al Ghul placed him across his shoulder. He brought Tim back to the chair and tied him back up, using more ropes and securing them tighter, "Don't try that again," Ra's al Ghul said through gritted teeth.

As Ra's left the room Tim hung his head his sobs echoing through the cave. He cried until he fell asleep sitting in the chair. His dreams were full of home and his family. He missed Bruce and the others. He slept until the next day.

When he woke he saw Ra's al Ghul sitting in front of him with a with a wicked smile, "Time for some answers," his voice dripped with evil intentions.

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