Chapter 2

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At the Gotham police station, a young man and woman, both in costume, were waiting outside. They casually had their feet hanging off the building's edge looking out when the comm came to life, "He is coming," Then the comm went silent. The two turned to each other and nodded. They then leapt up from their spot and prepared for the arrival. Nightwing, or Dick Grayson, said to the woman, "Guess it's time!"

The woman, Batgirl aka Barbara Gordon, looked at Dick and smiled, "I don't like this."

"I know, but we have to," Dick replied, looking out at the ongoing traffic below them. Nightwing looked out trying to spot his younger brother he ended up thinking about the past they shared, the painful memories and the ones that made him laugh. He finally spots a red flash of light approaching, but one second to late as a boot comes down on his face.

"Nightwing!" Batgirl cried as Dick fell to the ground, Red Hood standing over him.

Red Hood sinisterly said, "Hello Grayson."

Dick spit out specks of blood onto the ground, "Jason."

The two stared at each other before leaping into combat. The two moved swiftly, throwing punches and kicks. Batgirl could just stare as the two men fought. Dick managed to kick Jason in the stomach, but Jason quickly retaliated with a punch to Dick's face. Dick groaned as he felt his lip start to swell. "Good hit," He panted, a small smile on his face. Red Hood was now on top of him, pinning him to the ground, "I win," Jason stated, clearly grinning under his mask. He got up from on top of Dick and let him get to his feet.

"How are you doing, other than the whole outlaw thing," Dick asked his brother.

"Fine. What about you? Is Batman still ordering you around, or are you doing your own thing?" Jason questioned.

"Batman is Batman, he orders everyone around, what else do you expect!" Dick chuckled, "I'm doing my own thing most of the time, working with Young Justice and in Bludhaven. I come back when I'm needed though."

"Huh, you actually got out of his shadow for once." Red Hood said with a slight tease in his voice.

"I was never in his shadow," Dick mumbled under his breath, crossing his arms.

"I heard that," Jason said, hands on hips in a mocking manner.

"Whatever," Dick grumbled.

"WHAT IS GOING ON!" Barbara finally spoke up, yelling at the two men, "One second you're fighting, and the next you're having a friendly chat! I don't understand you boys at all!"

"Ok, sorry..." Dick said shyly as he slightly blushed. Red Hood just looked interested as he stood silently watching to see what was going on between the off and on couple.

"Wow, I wasn't invited to the party?" A mysterious voice shouted.

"TIM!" All three exclaimed looking in the direction of the voice. Tim leaped off of the air conditioner he was perched on, the cape of his Red Robin costume flowing behind him, and came to join the three. The three boys fist bumped and Tim hugged Batgirl.

"So, what's up?" Tim asked casually.

"I honestly have no idea, how did we all end up in Gotham at the same time? That never happens unless something BIG is happening in Gotham or well with the Bat-Family." Red Hood asked. When no one answered him, he sighed, "Well I guess that we're just that lucky."

Nightwing smiled at the three heroes (and anti hero) standing there,"Well we'll have to make the most of it I guess."

Tim frowned, "I have to meet a friend tonight."

Batgirl nodded, "I guess it's just you two, I have to go to a gala with my father." she rolled her eyes with a mock annoyance before smiling.

"Okay Grayson, where are we going?" Jason fake groaned as if he were dreading going

with him and then started to laugh. Nightwing smiled before thinking aloud, "Don't know, I hear you have a awesome bunker now though that I still haven't visited."

Red Hood sternly told him, "No," before Dick could protest.

"I should go..." Tim said awkwardly.

Red Hood caught his arm before he lept off of the building, "Where are you going?" he questioned.

"Uh..." Tim stutterted, "Uh... Nowhere!" He finally said. Red Hood seemed to eye him suspiciously. "Just kidding, I don't care!" Red Hood laughed, letting go of Red Robin's arm. Tim smiled slightly and jumped off the building.

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