Chapter 33

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Stephanie sobbed. She tried to stay quiet, but she couldn't. Tim. She couldn't leave him. Not yet. There was so much they haven't done yet. Places they haven't seen. They've only been dating for a couple months. This is not how Stephanie wanted her life to end. She wanted to go to college, get married, start a family. If she died now, so would all her dreams. Tim's dreams.

Her blood soaked the floor. Her costume was in rags, almost torn to shreds. Her eyelids were getting heavy. She was too weak to keep them open. No! She had to stay awake, stay alive. For Tim. She tried desperately to fight back the wave of exhaustion that was crashing over her. Her eyelids became even heavier. She couldn't keep them open anymore. They started to close, the bomb ticking at her waist. 'One hour left,' she thought, 'Tim will find me. He always does.' Then, her eyes closed. 59 minutes...  

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