(4)Uncle Leo's got Percy's back

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Leo's POV

I stared at him, mouth agape. This sounded so stupid. I stood up and slipped my orange shirt on, then my dirty white shirt. Cody stared at me, a worried look on his face. Then I turned, giving him a goofy smile.

"You're lucky. You just found out you're related to the all-time super hot, McShizzle." Cody was confused for a second then turned, smiling. Then smiling turned into us laughing hard. "I gotta go, everyone's probably worried about me. Besides, when I leave, the room temperature goes down about -50 degrees. Cody laughed and shook his head.

"Oh you. Okay, besides, we're going to the lake tomorrow. July fourth is coming up. We've got huge fireworks too." I let a smile break over my face. If I knew anything, it was fire and machines. I nodded, leaving, Cody walked out with me and I heard my name called. I turned just in time to get bowled over by a pale figure.

"Nico! What're you doing?" The raven-headed boy looked up, shaking his head.

"You were gone a long time! Like a half an hour, where in all of Hades were you?!" I shook my head, Hades? He sat up and crossed his arms. I rolled my eyes and realized the position we're in. My face turned red, like, real red. Nico saw this and realization dawned upon him. He scrambled off and helped me up. He yanked me up and lost his balance. I grabbed his hand and pulled him up.

"Falling for me already?" Nico's pale face went red and I laughed. It was really funny. Cody snorted besides me. I grabbed my sides and Cody waved bye to me. I said bye through laughs. Then Nico went from flustered to in control within 5 seconds. He smirked at me and I knew I was in trouble. Next thing I knew, I was thrown over his shoulder and I kicked my legs, pounding against his back. "NICO DI ANGELO! YOU PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW!" Nico shook his head. Smirk is still evident.

"Nope, you need to learn your place shorty." Oof, he did not just make fun of the vertically challenged. I stopped wiggling and propped one elbow up on his back as he kept walking. So, he wanted to talk about learning my place dies he?

"I know my place. I'm the super sized, super hot, team Leo McShizzle. I'm the supreme of all supreme's." Nico made a humming and kept walking. He had a smile on his face. "Oh ho! The death boy smiles!" I laughed, Nico rolled his eyes and kept carrying me. I groaned and just let him this time. It was kinda stupid but, is it right to actually like being carried by Nico? I shook my head to clear it. I felt my eyes droop for, like, the fourth time today. I forced them back open. When's the last time I slept? I thought about it, not last night, that's for sure. Not the night before too. OH, wait- it's been like, three days since I actually slept. Huh, well that makes sense. My bandages were hurting a bit, but, that's just how it is. Then, I thought about the memory thing Hazel could do. I didn't know there were other supernatural things besides me. She could also project them into the air. I wonder if-

"We're here." I heard Nico's voice, snapping me out of my thoughts. I nodded wearily and slipped off his back, opening the cabin door. I pulled whatever energy I had left to throw a smile on and link my arms with Nico's. Before he could object, I threw open the cabin door.

"The Super Hot McShizzle supreme has entered!" I shouted as I pushed Nico in first than looked him up and down. "And, there's this interesting Death Boy." Hazel and Percy were laughing while the rest were just shaking their heads. Smiles evident on their faces. I leaped in and slammed the door shut. "Okay! What're we gonna do? I need to get to know you people before you guys have the privilege of sleeping in the same building as the super-sized McShizzlen!" Annabeth rolled her eyes and Nico snorted. Hazel took a long look at me and I think she knew it was a slight fake energy boost. However, just to cover it up, I turned and smirked at her. "You checkin' me out?" Hazel's face went red and she shouted.

"Leo! Oh my god." I was on the floor laughing and Hazel pouted. Her pouty face was quickly swiped away with a small peck from Frank. "Okay, I have an idea. Why don't we say what part of the LGBTQ+ community we're from." Everyone nodded and I just went with it. I could say I'm bisexual and not that I'm...yeah. We all got into a circle around the room and it went counterclockwise, starting by Jason.

"Okay then. I'm Pansexal. I'm cisgender." Everyone nodded and Percy beamed. Oh, this should be good. Percy next.

"I'm Bisexual and gender...well," He rubbed the back of his neck and I took control of the situation.

"Sister, do you need a gender talk with your old pal Uncle Leo?" Percy laughed, but nodded. "Okay then, follow me." Percy got up and walked out the door and I shooed my hand at the others. "Keep going, tell us when we get back." Half of them nodded, Jason looked at the door where Percy left worryingly. I made finger guns towards him. "It's okay Jace, I'll bring your boyfriend back." Jason turned red and I smiled shutting the cabin door while Jason shouted at me. I saw Percy standing with his elbows rested on the banister.

"Leo, I don't want to be male or female. It confuses me. What do I do. Others might think you're the kind of person who'd joke and ignore the serious stuff. But, I think you're one of the best people to go to for this stuff." I just stood there staring at him, he really thought that? I counted to myself. I sighed and stood next to him.

"Thanks I guess, okay, lemme see. Not male, nor female. I think there's a word for this. Oh!" I said, coming to conclusion. Percy turned towards me, eyes filled with anticipation. "You're Non-Binary! It means you're not male or female, and your pronouns are they/them." Percy thought about this for a second. Then he turned towards me. "I really like Jason, a lot,-" "Finally!" I cut him off. Percy gave me a weird look, and I made a hand motion. "Sorry, it's just, you finally admitted it. Continue." Percy chuckled and nodded.

"I just, don't know if, I don't know, it's just-" "You're scared that he'll not like you like that, and you're having a hard time coming to terms with it because it'll take time for everyone to get used to using your prefered pronouns and Preferred name, if you want to change it. It's making you frustrated, because of the time it'll take." Percy froze and just stared at me. I rubbed my neck nervously and i felt two arms lift me up and hug me. By, lift me up, I mean actually off my feet. Percy's like, three inches taller than me.

"Yes, that's exactly what! How did you know? You worded it perfectly, it sounded so, so right." I laughed and gave him a small hug back.

"I'm uh, good with these things. I've educated myself these past years. Okay, you want to go back inside and tell everyone? I promise, I'll be there to help ya'. Jason won't stop liking you by the way. It's like I told you. He's got the hugest crush on you too." Percy turned red and I chuckled. "Uh, Perc, can you put me down? I let you hug me, but, I'm not big on physical contact." Percy set me down, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Yeah sorry. Let's go inside. Leo, can you tell them for me?" I snickered and nodded.

"Sure bud, uncle Leo's got your back." 

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