(12)Fourth of July(Part 2)

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Nico's POV

Trees whipped pasted my vision as I sprinted from team 1. You see. There are 4 teams. Ours is team 3. I don't know all the names from the other teams, or any names to be honest, but I didn't stop and chat to find out.

"Get back here, you emo!" I heard a gruff voice shout from behind me and it sounded closer than what it was last time. The footsteps behind me fastened and I started to hate this plan. Thanks Percy... I thought bitterly as I went over the plan in my head.

-------------30 minutes earlier---------

"Okay, here's the plan. Leo and I will go for team 4's flag. Jason and Annabeth will try for team 1's, this is because Annabeth an mark the layout of their hiding spot and Jason can help get them in, you're both pretty fast too. Now, Nico and Will, you two protect our own flag. I have a feeling team 1, who are all the brutes, will try for us first, you two choose how to keep them away.

Everyone agreed to the plan, and we all got into place. Percy and Leo sprinted off first, then Annabeth and Jason. Will and I were left to the flag.

Just then, three people emerged from the undergrowth, eyeing us. They only saw Will, not myself. So, I told Will to act like it was only him their, circle the flag, pretending he needs to watch all sides.

The blonde agreed and I sat in the trees, with my wooden dagger at my side, a couple rocks were in my pockets. I wasn't gonna use my crappy excuse of a dagger now. So, I decided to throw rocks at the three.

One of them, a big guy with parted, wavy caramel hair, approached Will, he smirked and held a hand out, a wooden sword in his hand. That's when the second guy, he was smaller, but had broad shoulders, he stepped up. That's when I decided to 'attack'.

I took out a pretty big rock and chucked it at his shoulder. It didn't hit the exact spot I wanted, but I slammed into between his shoulder blades. He yelped and whipped around, his eyes scanning the forest, trying to find me. The first guy looked around too, but as soon as his eyes were positioned away from me.

I pulled my arm back and snapped the rock towards him. This rock hit his eye, and the 1st dude grabbed his eye and grunted, dropping his head, "Ow! Mother of Zeus!" Everyone turned to him and his gaze snapped up and over to me, he eyes passed me but turned back, settling on my hiding spot. He pointed his hand over to me. "There! There's the brat!"

Everyone turned to me, and I sprinted out of my spot chucking more rocks at them. The first two held their arms up to protect their faces, but the third, a girl with dark brown hair, and green eyes, looked up at me, and I stopped when I ran out of rocks. All three of them smirked and gave chase, I shouted to Will to stay their and sprinted into the woods, making sure to stay ahead of them.

---------present time-----

And that's how I got here. I mentally groaned. I guess it's not really that turtle-brained teen's fault. More mine, for coming up with a stupid plan. I grabbed a half-broken wooden branch and kept it in my hands, just in case I could use it.

I felt a hand try to grab the collar of my jacket and I felt panic shoot through me and I turned, digging my foot into the ground and pulled the tree branch back, slamming it into the first guy's side. He grunted and let go, stumbling.

But, that was the time my foot hit the back of a log in the ground and I yelped falling backwards down a hill. Suddenly, I hit a shadow under a tree and I felt the shadows swallow me.

I hit the bottom, dazed and couldn't make out which way was right and which was left. I'd unintentionally shadow-traveled. It was frustrating. Suddenly, a hand grabbed my arm and pulled me up, my head got really light, and my knees buckled out from under me. The person wrapped an arm around my waist and I heard distant voices. One was Jason, I could tell, the other was Annabeth. I think Jason was the one holding me up. I slowly blinked my eyes, trying to get control of what was going on, and I barely focused an Jason's face. He peered at my eyes, and spoke.

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