(19)"I didn't ask for your help", "You didn't need to"

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Imma pit a ship image at the beginning of each chapter

Cory's POV

"Hey!"A policeman with a burly exterior shouted at me as I ran out of the hiding place Nico and I were staying in. It was in an alleyway, and we were surrounded. Both of us couldn't get out together, I owe Nico, for everything. This was MY payback.

My brother turned to me, his eyes wide as dinner plates. I held my hand out, keeping my eyes pointed on the policemen in the entrance of the alleyway. I was telling him to stay down, stay quiet. He nodded, and I set my feet apart just by a little, and he realized what I was doing, but didn't move. Then, all hell broke loose.

Three policemen sprinted down the alleyway, and I turned and ran. They shouted at me, telling me to stop, and I looked back only for one thing, Nico had slipped to the end of the alley and ran, getting away. Relief filled my veins, but it was mixed in with adrenaline. As I sprinted, they got faster, so I added some spice to the little chase.

As I ran by different smaller trash cans, I tipped them over, leaving garbage sprayed over the brick streets. Some tripped, all got back up. I burst out into the open, into the busy streets of Venice, people pardoning me as I shoved through the crowd, and into a secluded area. My lungs were on fire, and I was losing energy, but I was fast. "Sei matto!"(C'mere you brat!)

Just as I turned, something heavy slammed into my chest. I stumbled back, and black dots were sprayed across my vision. A heavy hand slapped my cheek, leaving it stinging. I fell on my knees and I saw a foot come up, ready to knock the shit out of me. "Lorenzo fermati! Ha solo 13 anni!"(Lorenzo stop! He is only 13 years old!)

My head was ringing as I put in in my hands. I was on my knees, my head was ringing, and pounding, and my cheek stung. I was seeing black dots, and..Hades. Someone's hand rested on my shoulder, and I jerked away, fear ebbing at my mind. "Ehi, va tutto bene, mi chiamo Alex, non ti farò del male."(Hey, it's all right, my name is Alex, I will not hurt you.) I shakily looked up, and my vision flashed, seeing Hades towering above me. I clenched my teeth and shot my head back down. I was weak, I knew this much. Weak, and stupid, and-. "È solo un bambino, non colpirlo di nuovo, o ti colpirò."(He is only a kid. Do not hit him again, or I will hit you.) I heard Alex tell the guy that smacked me.

The police officer sneered at Alex, but turned anyway, telling the PD that they'd found me and my brother is presumed dead. Let's keep it that way. So, in order for Nico to stay hidden, I needed to go with them.

So, I stood up and followed the Alex guy, who seemed taken aback by my sudden movements. He led me to his car, but didn't try to touch me, which I was grateful for, but I still didn't trust any of them.

After that, I was taken into foster care, and that was when shit hit the fan for me.


Jakeai towered over me, a sneer on his face. I held my hands up, covering my face. 

Jakeai was the son of my current guardian. The guy wasn't a foster dad or dad, he was just watching over me, making sure I knew that I wasn't part of their family. Everyday, when the two parents would leave for work and Jakeai would leave for school, Jakeai came back first, and it was hell until the dejecting parents got home. I was 13, two months until 14, and I'd been in foster care for about 9 months now. 

 The 16 year old would call me names, and harass me anyway he could, except ONE way. And he was about to make that statement invalid.

The family of three spoke English, a language I'd learned 11 months ago. He leaned down and whispered in my ear.

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