[18]Jaden's Payback

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[18]Jaden's Payback

Jaden's POV(This might happen on rare occasions)

I rocked back and forth on my heels as I stood in front of my cabin door. Just ask him. Nothing will go wrong. Just walk right up to him and say, 'Hey, could you teach me to do that sword-thingy you do?' Wow, that sounded stupid. Very stupid. I threw my hands up, a new burst of frustration filling me as I walked out, slamming it shut. This really shouldn't be this hard. As I walk down the steps of my cabin, I made my way to Cabin 1.

I made my way past the Volleyball courts and then past the weaving building. I saw Will and Nyssa as I neared Cabin 1. Will glanced up as I got closer to them. "Hey, Jaden. Where are you heading to?" I hesitated before mumbling.

"Cabin 1." The blonde raised an eyebrow but nodded.

"Are you finally gonna ask that Cory kid to help you with your sword fighting, because you need it." I playfully punched his arm.

"Shut it. I'm just gonna ask politely," then mumbled, "that is if I can figure out what to say." Will let out a laugh while Nyssa chuckled lightly. They told me 'Good Luck', and went on their way. I thought about what to say as Cabin 1 came in my sights. I glanced up and saw Cory talking with Nico. Wait- is it just me? Or do they look very similar in almost every way? One of the only differences is Cory has bright blue eyes. Nico looked up and met my gaze as I neared, then spoke to Cory once more before going inside. The said male flipped Nico off, while the Italian did the same. Nico walked inside and Cory threw his black jacket on with the stormcloud emblem on the side. He turned to me when I hit the bottom of the steps.

"Heya. What brings you to the supposed famous Cabin 1?" From inside the wooden building, we heard Leo shout.

"It IS famous! I'm in it!" I burst out laughing while Cory snorted, a smirk evident on his face. Cory shouted to Leo, telling the latino to shut up. Leo shouted back. "Yeah yeah Mystery Boy!"

I just stood there while Cory turned his gaze back to me, amusement in his eyes. "Anyway. Is there something you wanted? I can go get one of them for you if you need-."

"No! I mean- no, it was, you actually. I wanted to ask you something." He raised an eyebrow and leaned against one of the two support posts on the overhang of the cabin.

"Okay then, shoot." I nervously fiddled with the hem of my blue long-sleeve, wondering if the ask was too, favourish? Too, much maybe? "Hey, you said you wanted something. What is it?" Cory asked again, this time, a bit more firm. I looked up, and sighed, just ask Jaden. Just. Ask I nodded.

"I-I was wondering if maybe you could, you know, t-teach me how to use a sword. You were really good earlier." He raised his eyebrows, curiosity, and forethought flickering across his gaze. "You don't have to agree, just, you know." I trailed off. He nodded.

"Oh, I know. The only thing I want to know is, why? Why do you want to learn?" I shrugged.

"I-, I uh guess it's because I've always hated being assumed to be the weak one. The one who needs to kept busy while the big boys do the real work. It annoys me, but I know that I don't have any useful qualities. I know bad people try to sometimes kill people like us. But I don't want to a burden or shoved aside when that happens. Besides, think of this as payback for saving my life earlier." Cory stared at me for a bit, his expression was unreadable. After a moment, I was afraid that he'd decline. Then...

"Fine. That's a good enough reason I guess. I'll teach you the simple things. But everything else takes practice. And, I'm warning you now. So don't bitch to me later about this. I am NOT a friendly person. I'm cold and pessimistic towards people I don't know or trust. And, I'm a sarcastic asshole anyway." I grinned and nodded.

"That's fine! You be yourself! Don't change just because I'm around!" Cory chuckled and turned to walk back inside.

"You'll regret saying that. Anyway. Meet me at the arena at around 2 pm. Okay?" I nodded vigorously, saying, 'Okay!' The moody teen shook his head. Then he opened the door, stuffed his hands in his pockets, and walking back inside. Then, he shut the door with his foot. I heard the sounds of laughter from inside and turned, making my way back down the path, grinning widely. I heard Will once more over by the Rock Wall.

"I take it your date went well!" I shouted back to him, annoyance ebbing away from my excitement a bit.

"Be quiet Solace! It's a request, not a date!" Will and everyone around him laughed as I stomped back to my cabin, suddenly very tired. As I changed into some sweatpants, I threw myself on the bed, seeing as it was 7 pm. Just as my excitement started back up, my eyes drooped shut and I fell asleep.

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