[16] Surprise!

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Cory's POV(Yeah, this'll happen as much as Leo's POV)

Taking a deep breath, I look at the closest dummy. It's okay, you can do it. Just, summon your swords. I took my own advice, deciding to listen to my own advice, slowly. 

 A black sword with a bright blue edge on the blade appeared in my right hand. A divine pitch black sword with an iron handle formed in my left, completing the sequence. 

Glancing up, I looked at the dummies and called out. "Training level 1!" The bots clicked and moved slowly, no, this wasn't good enough. So I stopped it. "End level. Training level 10." I heard a gasp behind me. Leo spoke just before the bots moved.

"Cory, it's great that you can use a sword or two. But that level's a little high for a beginner." A second before they bots whipped around, I called back.

"Who said I was a beginner?" The first two shot towards me as the other 6 made a circle around us, closing me in with the bots. That was okay, I didn't care. The first one raised it's sword and swung at me, while bot 2 swung high and faked a low shot. I blocked the first sword and crouched down, leaping over the second one, barely missing it. I landed, and snapped around thrust my sword up through the bot's chest, cutting through immediately. Bot 2 moved in on me and I killed it with superior accuracy. Now that I'm warmed up...

All six of the outer bots came at me in different times, but all on their own. So I took them out easily. One by one.






The pattern went on until I was on level 11. I heard people at the entrance of the arena, but 4 of the bots rebuild themselves, and shot towards me with their swords. They attacked in two's I dodged the first set and disarmed bot1 of the second set. While bot 2 of the second set swung low, and I grabbed it's metal wrist, cutting through the robot, then ducked under the first set again, and pulled both of my blades up, cutting both in half. The last bot. The one that I'd disarmed tried to attack, but it was 1v1, and it was pretty unfair for the training dummy.

After that, more and more people gathered, and my blood starts pumping. I just try to ignore the many sets of eyes on mine, and level 13 started up.

That's how it went, I kept pushing my way through each level, only too aware of all the eyes on me. I was taken off track on level 24. There were only two bots. But they moved at high speeds and worked together. However, one of them must've malfunctioned. Because it went straight for one of the boys off to the side. He had blonde hair and tanned skin(Not Will). I was doing good too. I had successfully slammed bot1 into the wall, and was ready for bot two, my jacket was tied around my waist and I was moving at high speeds too, matching the bot's, but barely. I heard a scream and snapped around. Bot2's eyes went red and, showed lag signals, and sped for a teen, he was taller than me, and had light brown hair, with tan skin, all of which contrasted my dark hair and light skin.

I sprinted towards the bot as the crowd moved. Leo tried running towards him, but I was first. Just as the bot slammed it's sword down, the teen pulled up two dual knives, holding the sword in place, not for long. One knife gave out and I dug my feet into the ground and jumped onto he bot, my legs wrapped around it's shoulders(Considering these bots were bigger than me by much), and slammed my left handed sword through its head.

The bot shut down and I dropped to the ground. The teen was about to say something, until his eyes grew wide, looking at something behind me. "Look out!" I turned and threw my swords up, only just in time not to get stabbed in the chest. Bot1's sword went past mine and cut through my sleeve, and nicked my arm. I growled and used that anger to shove the bot forward and used both my swords to whirl around, knocking the sword off it's hand, and it's head off its body too. I heard Leo shout. "End training!"

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