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Myra's POV

I still wasn't sure about Hayes' party. But I didn't want to disappoint Hayes. He sounded excited about this party. Olivia was going out of town this weekend, so it was just going to be me and him for a while. Olivia was still acting like she liked me, and Hayes seemed to not like her as much anymore.

"Earth to Myra!" Hayes hand passed in front of my face.

"What, sorry?" I shock the thoughts out if my mind. We walked into the cold school parking lot. Even the thick jacket and sweater couldn't block the harsh wind blowing.

"I asked what you were doing over winter break?" He said, not in an annoyed way more gentle. I could tell he was trying to tip toe around me. Since yesterday he had been gentle around me, making sure I was fine, didn't say anything mean to me. It was weird.

"Um, I don't know. Other than that party and Christmas," I said.

"Oh, cool." He said quietly. He sounded a little disappointed, like he was hoping he wouldn't have to hang out with me. But I'm sure I was just being paranoid.

Nash and Ali were waiting outside the truck, talking to a few of their friends. Nash had his arm protectively around Ali's waist. They were almost a scene out of a movie, she would look up at him when he wasn't paying attention and smile. And he would look down to her when she was looking away, and bite his lip.

"Hey munchkins," Ali said noticing us.

We both groaned at that name. "You know I'm taller than you, right?" Hayes said with a smirk on his face.

"Shut up Hayes." Nash said, shooting a look at Hayes. On the surface it was disapproving, but really he wanted to smile and give him a high five.

We all got into the old truck, and Nash started to drive. He turned on the heat, but the truck was so old that it couldn't do much, so we just sat in mild coldness for the ride.

Ali turned on the Christmas radio and started to sing along. We all grimaced at her failed attempt at singing, but decided not to stop her, it was a short ride.

Three poorly sung Christmas tunes later Nash dropped us off at our house. I entered the warm room and shed my coat. Ali was going shopping with her friends so I was alone.

I sat down on my couch with my dog. He sniffed my legs and curled up on the opposite side of the couch. I looked at my phone, no new messages, as usual.

Diana tried to talk to me at first but eventually have up. I was getting used to the silence anyways. The silence gave me time to think. I want to go to boarding school. It's not like anything was keeping me here, not even Hayes.

He doesn't want to be near me anymore either. So what's the point. I looked out the window to the Grier household.

Hayes was sitting inside on his couch. Checking his phone, this was creepy, just watching him. But I couldn't look away, this here was the boy who both made and ruined my life. I shut out those thoughts along with the blinds.

My phone buzzed for the first time in months. I almost didn't want to look at the broken screen. I guess u was hearing things, because there was no notifications on the screen. I sighed and sat back down.

I was hearing things now, add it to the list of things that are wrong with me. I would never talk about that list, it's a personal thing that I don't need anyone giving me pity about.

I looked back at the screen, still blank. I refuse to feels sorry for myself but it's getting hard. When everything is wrong with your life, feeling sympathy for others and not yourself is one of the most difficult things you can do.

I looked back out the window, then remembered it was closed. I wished that it was open. I wished that all I saw was Hayes standing at his window looking out at mine. Maybe not looking at me in particular, but then his eyes would wander to my window. He would see me and involuntarily smile.

That involuntary was the thing that made me open a window. I missed him, but knew he didn't miss me.

This party was going to suck. No one liked me. Even though Olivia wasn't going to be there I knew she wouldn't want me and Hayes to hang out. And Hayes wouldn't want to hangout with me. Maybe I should call and tell him I can't come for some reason. New Gears alone wouldn't be that bad. Netflix was waiting for me.

I picked up my phone. And dialed Hayes number. It rang twice before he picked up.

"Hey what's up?" he said, I could hear the exasperated groan come from the back ground.

"Um, I don't know if I can come to the party," I said weakly.

"Oh, come on! Olivia goes out of town this weekend! I need a plus one!" he whined.

"Ugh fine, if you insist." I huffed out air. I had to go wrap presents.

I hauled out all the gifts I had gotten. I got a surprise gift for Hayes. I was going to give it to him the night before Christmas.

I wrapped it and went back to the couch. This week was going to be a long one, but I guess it could be fun. I just hope nothing goes wrong.

Hey small update until next chapter! The next chapter is going to be a big one, like the climax of the story so be ready! I think it's going to end soon like 5-10 parts. I know exactly how I want to end it and what's going to happen in between so be ready!


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