Chapter 3

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An evening with both Roxy and Mateo was unusual at first but after a while he settled in, even if he had to watch The Wiggles before Mateo went to bed. The next morning Coco watched as Roxy got the boy ready for school and fed him breakfast. It was such a different view compared to what he'd experienced as a child, it brought a smile to his face and he didn't even realize it.

"Finish your yogurt, bud," Roxy said. She put his lunch in his bag and hung it on the door.

"You're a good mom," he said quietly.

Roxy looked at him with confusion on her face. "Huh? Oh, uh, thanks."

"I gotta go," Coco sighed. "Got my shift at the yard."

She smiled a little. "Sounds like a lazy day."

"Maybe," he smirked. "Sometimes I do more there than with the club."

"Coco, can you take me to school?" Mateo asked sweetly.

"No," Roxy said quickly. "You know that's not safe for little guys."

Mateo asked everyone he could for a ride but, much to his disappointment, no one ever said yes. Roxy was sure Angel might have, if he didn't think she'd kill him for it, but the rest understood four years old was too young.

"Nah, man," Coco said. "Maybe when you're a little older."

"Mom," Mateo groaned.

"No," she said firmly. "Grab your book bag and put your shoes on, we have to go too."

"Thank you," Coco said. They had a moment of privacy while the boy did as he was asked.

"For what?" She asked, genuinely unsure.

"Dinner, and breakfast," he said sheepishly.

Roxy nodded and smiled. "Thank you for your company."

"Yeah and that too," he chuckled. Coco kissed her, it was different, softer and sweeter, before heading to door. "Alright hombrecito," he said, mussing the child's hair, "I'll see you around."

She laughed, noticing Coco spoke to Mateo as if he were just another guy, a member of the club, and waved as he left the apartment.

"Come on," she laughed. "Let's get you to school."

Coco kicked up dirt as he and his clipboard came out from the row of metal heaps, sweat rolling down his forehead. He noticed more bikes, EZ and Gilly had arrived while he was working.

"Chucky," Coco called out. He handed the man the clipboard. "I'm heading inside. Take care of this shit."

"Certainly," Chucky said cheerfully.

"Oh and uh," he huffed. "You tell anyone about that shit with Rox?"

His face turned down. "Sorry Coco."

"Anything else you see, just keep that shit to yourself."

"I accept that." Chucky said as Coco sauntered into the clubhouse.

"What's the damage?" Angel asked, snarky as ever, as he inspected Coco's face with a goofy grin on his lips. The other's chuckles only served to egg him on. "Oh she didn't kick your ass?"

Coco pulled a face and clicked his tongue but didn't make a return comment. Normally, he would have made a crude remark, something about her taking it out on him in bed, but he remained quiet.

"We were afraid you wouldn't come back," Gilly joked.

"So was she," Coco said. Pouring himself a cup of coffee he then turned and leaned against the bar. "Chica's got shit," he tapped his temple.

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