Chapter 15

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When the sun finally rose after everyone managed to get some sleep, there was a lighter air in the house. Things were still tense but it was miles away from where they were the night before.

"Did you talk to Bish?" Roxy asked Coco when they finally got a moment alone. Again, they were on the porch smoking, watching the nothingness around them and finding peace in it.

He shook his head. "I'm gonna call him, it was too late last night."

Roxy chuckled weakly, "That's kind of cute."

"How you doing?" He asked timidly.

"I think I'm in shock, to be honest," she said casually. "I don't feel anything now."

"Better than that shit from before," he remarked.

Roxy didn't express her differing opinion, she wasn't sure could even find the words to explain it anyway.

"Well, uh, I'm gonna pack some stuff up and we can head out. I think I need to spend some time at home and deal with my shit."

Coco smiled sadly and nodded, a sweet expression on his face as he gazed at her sympathetically. "That sounds good, Rox, I think you need that shit but I can't let you go alone. You know that, right?"

"I know," she kept her grimace hidden behind a smile. "I get it."

Kissing her cheek, Coco finished his cigarette and pulled his phone from his pocket. "We takin' the kid?"

"I don't think so, this ain't exactly a vacation," she shrugged. "If he doesn't want to stay here, though, I'm not going to make him. He doesn't know Nero or Wendy, he'd be so scared if I forced him to stay."

Coco nodded and turned his attention back to calling Bishop, who had just answered his phone. There was a quick update, although nothing new really happened before Coco really got down to the real reason for the call.

"She gave me a name," Coco said darkly. "Nestor, Miguel's head of security."

Bishop grumbled something under his breath before actually addressing Coco. "Why? Had to be something if they'd cross Alvarez like that."

"I don't know details, she doesn't even know, but it was a punishment. Apparently, they didn't like her recording their talks with Pena," Coco said. "You'd gotta ask her for more info though, that's all I know."

"Goddamnit," he snarled, "That job was supposed to keep her out of trouble."

"If she wasn't Mateo's mom, she'd be dead," Coco said, starting to feel the heaviness of the reality. "Only reason they didn't just kill her was 'cause of Alvarez."

"I have to tell him," Bishop groaned. "This is gonna be a load a shit coming down on us, brother."

"I know it," he complained. "Yo, before you go, where'd they put Esai?" Coco asked quietly. He felt as if he were betraying a brother, he wasn't sure why, but none of it felt honorable despite his innocence.

"Shit," Bishop sighed. "I don't know. I'd have to ask him." It was not a topic Bishop wanted to bring up to his cousin at all but especially not such a detail.

"She wants to see him," Coco went on, "Pay her respects and shit."

"Of course she does," Bishop groaned. "Lemme get on it. I'll get back to you."

He understood, he didn't blame her, but he sure wished she mentioned it. It was too noble a request for him to simply deny because of the uncomfortable nature but Bishop wouldn't be happy about it.

When Coco made his way back into the house, Roxy was already talking to Mateo. It was clear from his expression he wasn't thrilled with the idea of staying at the farmhouse without his mother. If anything, Mateo would keep Roxy from losing herself in grief, so Coco was beginning to think maybe Mateo would be the best thing for her.

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