Chapter 21

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The rest of the time spent in Charming was uneventful. Vital documents, family items, and pictures were gathered up and everything else was packed up and sold or donated.

Roxy stood on the front curb, Mateo on her hip and EZ beside her, looking at her childhood home with the sale sign hammered into the lawn.

"Well this is sadder than I thought," she whimpered.

"It's for the best," EZ said to her just to sound supportive.

When they heard a Harley coming down the street both Macy and EZ expected to see Chibs or Tig but not Happy. EZ tensed but didn't say anything as he approached them.

"End of an era," he remarked.

"Yep," she sighed. "Teo, say hi."

The boy looked up at Happy and waved. "Hi," she said timidly.

"Hey kid," Happy grumbled, messing the child's hair with his hand.

"Chibs know you're here?" Roxy asked

"No. I'm supposed to be avoiding you."

"Been hearing that for six years now," she remarked.

Happy chuckled, "Yeah."

"For the best," she said ruefully. Roxy turned and gave Happy a hug, "It was good to see you despite the multiple attempted murders."

"It was," he agreed. "You going home?"

"Yeah," she said as they separated. "I think it's better for everyone."

"Probably," Happy agreed. "Where's your old man?"

Roxy was about to mention the break-up but caught the words before they left her mouth. "He went ahead, club stuff. I kept the prospect for the dirty work."

"Listen," he said quietly, "If they give you any shit if they fuck you over or hurt you, tell me. Okay?"

"Yeah, you got it."

Since Coco took EZ's bike after making the trip to Charming with her, EZ was forced to ride home with Roxy and Mateo. It wasn't a tense drive but there were words both adults in the car were holding back.

"Mommy I'm tired," Mateo whined from the backseat. "I don't feel good."

"I know, me too kiddo," she commiserated. "We'll be home soon."

EZ looked at Mateo for a second, giving him a little smile, and used that break in the silence to open a conversation.

"Poor kid," EZ remarked.

"I know," Roxy sighed, glancing at her son in the rearview mirror. "He's had a long few weeks."

"Yeah but he'll bounce back, kids are resilient."

"Especially mine," she laughed. Roxy knew they were getting close to home and with the tension broken, she looked at EZ for some advice. "You said to keep believing the lie, I'm okay with that, but I feel like I have to tell Coco. I owe him that much, and shit, the way I spazzed on him for lying to me, I just, I feel like I have to tell him. I want to tell him."

There was no way Roxy wasn't going to tell Coco about Happy so EZ knew he shouldn't waste his breath trying to talk her out of it but he also agreed with reasoning. "I get it, I think you should, I think you should keep what happened in the cemetery to yourself though."

Roxy scoffed, "That was such a bad decision. No offense."

"You're not gonna get an argument from me," EZ said quickly.

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