Chapter 7

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"So why'd he get the invite?" Gilly asked Coco as they stood around with Angel and Creeper finalizing their plans.

Coco looked at Happy intently, ignoring his prospect and Ratboy, his cheeks twitching as he clenched his jaw muscles. "Apparently this is his specialty."

"This?" Angel asked with a huff. "What is this? We haven't done shit yet."

"If we gotta be forceful," Coco explained. "That's what he said but I think its bullshit. He wants to be here when she gets out, he doesn't trust me," Coco looked at his brothers, "He doesn't trust any of us."

"Cause of the cartel?" Creeper suggested the most obvious reason.

Coco nodded. "He thinks it's gonna go south like shit did for them and Rox is gonna get hurt." Shrugging, Coco looked at the others. "I don't blame him."

"What was their deal? Him and Rox?" Gilly asked, revealing his gossipy interest in the whole situation.

"After he killed Esai he felt guilty as fuck," Angel explained. "With all the shit going on with her brother before he died she was a mess and he decided to take care of her."

"Then they just got close," Coco added.

"Were they ever together?" Gilly asked, confusion on his face. "He seems fucking psycho for a guy who never hit it."

"She said no," Coco chose his words very carefully. "I always thought they did too, he's poking around a lot, gives her money and doesn't trust us to keep an eye on her."

"I dunno, brother," Angel laughed, "That sounds like he's pussy drunk to me." Coco gave Angel a fierce look and the latter quickly buttoned up. "I'm just playing, man, Roxy's been into you for years."

"I just wanna get her out," Coco huffed. He walked away from the small group to smoke his cigarette in silence.

"He's a mess," Angel sighed.

"I would be too," Gilly commiserated. "I heard she was getting tuned up."

Angel nodded. "That's what I heard. She's got no clout in Arizona," he huffed. "Least if she was home she's got her family and us, out here she's a nobody. That guard can only do so much."

"What do you think the women's prison is like?" Gilly asked with a grimace.

"Yo," Creeper laughed darkly, "That shits gotta be way worse than the men's." He was only partially kidding in his assumption.

Angel pursed his lips and nodded enthusiastically. "No doubt. Those chicks are fucking brutal."

"Heading out in five, no kuttes, low profile," Bishop announced loudly. Looking at Angel, Bishop added, "Make sure all you idiots take a leak."

The small group left on their way to Marty Sherman's neighborhood, one man dropping off every few houses as not to draw suspicions. By the time they arrived at the correct address, it was only Coco, Hank, and Bishop. Happy hung back a few feet and allowed the Mayans to handle the conversations. If his expertise was needed, though, he would be ready.

Hank knocked on the door and as if he was waiting for them, Marty opened up immediately. He wore a big smile, large gaps from missing teeth glaringly obvious, but when he realized who was on his doorstep his smile disappeared.

"What do you want?"

They weren't sure why he was so standoffish, they weren't wearing their colors, but none of the Mayans let their confusion show.

"Outreach," Bishop said with a smile. "We understand you've been the victim," he didn't get any further.

"This about that Teller bitch?" He asked with disgust in his voice. "She can outreach this." The man said harshly as he grabbed his crotch and yanked.

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