Chapter 19

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After Coco stormed out, Bishop and EZ replaced him, and while only one was confused both had looks of sympathy on their faces.

"What happened?" Bishop asked her.

"I'm a bitch," she said sadly. "Literally, I'm fucking crazy and I messed up."

EZ gave her a sad smile, knowing it wasn't easy to admit her faults, but he let Bishop speak.

"I don't think any of us are completely sane," he said with a frown. "You guys will figure it out. What's your next move?"

Roxy shook her head. "Empty out this house, sell it probably, then go home."

"Santo Padre?" Bishop asked with a smile. Roxy nodded and he nodded. "Good. Pena might not take you back but we could always use you."

"Thanks," she laughed. "Speaking of using, could I borrow the prospect? I can't do this shit alone and obviously, Coco isn't an option."

Bishop looked back at EZ who nodded and gave him a little shrug.

"Just don't keep him for too long," Bishop joked.

The next morning EZ was up early, much earlier than Roxy, and when she made her way to the kitchen she found coffee on and her mother's pots and pans lined up along the counter.

"I got started," he explained.

"Thanks," she grumbled sleepily. "I'm getting rid of all of it."

"You'll get good money for a lot of this stuff," he told her.

She nodded, fixing herself a cup of coffee. "I was thinking of donating actually."

"Rox," he chuckled, "I get that it's the nice thing to do but uh, financially you think you can pass all that up?"

"I don't know," she sighed. "I got by without it before."

"Just a suggestion," he shrugged. Watching her expression as she leisurely sipped her coffee, EZ sat at the table. "You mad I started?"


"Then what's wrong?"

She looked over her mug at him. "Really? Coco left me, the whole gigantic shit storm with Happy and SAMCRO, and I'm stuck here with you after I kissed you, behind Coco's back, oh and Happy killed your mom and you have yet to say shit to me about what it is you're planning."

"I don't know," he admitted shamefully.

"Don't you want to kill him?"

EZ nodded slowly. "I want to."

"But...?" She asked expectantly.

"It's a little complicated," he huffed. "Mayans and Sons are good, we get guns from them, SANDINO is close, they've saved our asses more than once," EZ shook his head. "I can't just kill him."

Roxy leaned back against the chair and nodded. "I'm sorry," she whimpered. "I can't imagine, E."

"He ruined my life," EZ huffed. "He murdered my mom, I lost everything," he hung his head. "And he's here, shit rolling off his back."

"Ain't that always the way, though?" She scoffed.

"I guess," he lamented. "I don't even know if I'll tell Angel."

Roxy cringed. "Oh, that would be bad, like worse than what I did bad."

"Probably," EZ agreed. "Where do you want to start?"

Looking at him, Roxy tried to decide if he was truly done talking. Unable to read him at that moment, she simply asked. "Anything else on your mind, Prospect?"

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