Chapter 26

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Happy was more comfortable than most would be in the filthy, musty motel room a few miles away from the Mayans clubhouse. Laying on his back, in boxers and nothing else, he watched TV with the remote on his stomach and leftover Chinese food on the nightstand. He had slowly started to doze when there was a light knock on the door. He sat up, grabbing his gun, and answered the door cautiously to see Roxy waiting for him.

"Hey Hap," she smiled.

"Hey," he said, motioning for her to enter the room. "Guess you talked to your old man."

"I did," she sighed. "You don't know what this means."

"He's really my kid?" He asked. "I'll do it either way, Rox, but I gotta know for real."

Roxy nodded, "He's your boy, Happy. I'm sorry."

"Yeah me too," he huffed. "It was really Jax?"

"I wanted to tell you but I can't lay it on him, especially now that he's gone and can't speak for himself. It was his idea but I went along with it."

"Anyone's better than me, maybe he was right," Happy mused.

"You are sick and twisted and," Roxy shook her head, "You're a lot of things Happy but you would have done right by him if you had the chance. I'm sorry, I'm so sorry and if you want a relationship with Teo you're more than welcome to have one."

"And break up that American dream you got going? No way," he laughed. "Coco got his prize, a house with a fucking white fence, two kids, pretty little wife."

Roxy shook her head. "You sound jealous."

"I am," he shrugged. "I'm not a family type but it's gotta be nice, I guess."

"You like him?"

"Coco?" He asked with surprise.

"Yeah," she laughed.

"No," he said flatly, "But he loves you and he loves that kid," Happy shrugged.

"Jax would like him," she said sadly. "I miss him, I'm mad but I fucking miss him, Hap," her voice cracked.

Happy nodded, tears in his eyes. "Yeah, I miss him too, we all do, every fucking day. You're right, Jax would really like him, I just don't like anyone."

"Except me," she winked, trying to lighten the mood.

"Not when ya fucking shoot me," he said with a cold look. "So what's the deal?"

"With the medical shit?"

"Yeah, dumbass," he huffed.

Roxy rolled her eyes. "They'll test you to make sure you match then you gotta clean up, take care of yourself go through some prep then they'll cut it outta you and leave you in an ice-filled tub."

"I don't think that last part is true," he laughed.

"Thank you, Happy," she suddenly whimpered, almost unable to believe he agreed. "I didn't think you'd change your mind."

"I didn't," he admitted. "I was going to do it as soon as you asked but shit, I was pissed girl."

"Understandably," she said nervously. "No one knows, Hap. Well, Coco obviously knows, but I think it would be better if we didn't share news, I don't know how Marcus would react."

"We don't need another war," Happy said wearily, "And I'm not looking to play Dad."

Roxy nodded, "Well that's settled I guess."

"I'm easy," he shrugged.

"Always been," she chuckled. "We need some time to get settled in the new place but umm, if all goes well, you'll be here a while so you're more than welcome to stay with us."

Happy nodded. "You wanna make sure I'm not smoking and drinking and shit too, right?"

"No offense but yeah," she admitted.

"Don't blame you," he said, moving toward her. "He's said that too but you sure it's good?"

Roxy looked up at him and nodded. "He knows how I feel."

"What's that mean?"

"That I love him, that I love his daughter," she smiled. "Coco knows we're solid."

"I'm happy for you," he said with a nod. "Now go home," he said gruffly. "We'll meet up tomorrow. "

Roxy nodded and hugged him. "Thank you."

"Yep," he said hugging her back. "Night."

Walking toward the door she looked back at him and smiled. "Good night."


After his blood draw, Roxy took Happy to lunch then back to the clubhouse. Mateo was there, much to Happy's surprise, with Alvarez. Roxy was nervous but maybe wanted to leave the house after being stuck on the hospital for so long and she figured it was more controlled and safer than anywhere else.

"Blood type matches," Roxy said excitedly. "Now we wait for the tissue typing."

"Couple weeks, right?" Coco asked her quietly as they caught up on their days.

"Yeah," she huffed. "I'm gonna be freaking out the whole time."

"No, you're not," he issued her forehead. "We got enough to keep you distracted."

"Christ we do," she said, seeing EZ as he caught sight of Happy. His face turned stormy and his stance changed. "I'll umm, be right back," she told Coco.

Roxy hurried over to EZ and pulled him to the dart board in the far corner of the clubhouse.

"What?" He asked angrily.

"We have to talk," she said darkly. "I know you don't have the warm and fuzzies for Happy."

"Warm and fuzzies?" EZ growled, his eyes still trained on Happy. "He killed my mom, Rox, he's the reason all this shit happened."

"I know," she said quickly, "And I'm not trying to minimize that, any of it, but he's here to help Mateo. He agreed to donate if they match," her voice cracked, "And if you come out with this news or just snap and go after him that goes out the window."

EZ's body slumped a bit as she said it. "He's protected by a mom with a sick kid."

"A mom that needs him healthy and whole for the next 6 months...give or take."

"Rox," EZ growled. "I've waited 8 fucking years to find him."

Roxy nodded. "What's 6 more months?"

"Six months for him to get away."

"No," Roxy snapped loudly, drawing some attention their way. "If this doesn't happen he waits a couple years until he's sick enough to need a transplant then he's on a list, a long fucking list."

EZ looked at Roxy's silent tears then over at Mateo as he sat with Gilly and Coco. "Fine," he grumbled, "But when this is all said and done and Teo is healthy, you have to help me nail him without shit blowing back on the club."

Roxy inhaled sharply and hesitated but only for a moment. "I promise."

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