Chapter 4 - *edited*

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It wasn't long after Roxy and Coco's decision that things started progressing and feeling more official. It was Friday night and most club members were scattered around the clubhouse, beers in hand, relaxing and hanging out. Roxy joined them, taking advantage of her weekend off, and let herself really unwind.

"Here, hold it like this," Coco spoke into her ear. He positioned her fingers on the dart and guided her arm forward. She threw it, with his help, but got nowhere near the bullseye. "Hate to see you with a gun," he mumbled.

"Whatever, darts just isn't my thing," she shrugged.

"Pool ain't either," Coco reminded her.

"Uh, no, Creep is just a shitty teacher," she complained.

"What about when EZ tried to teach you blackjack?" Coco asked her with a wiggle of his eyebrows. "He's good at almost everything."

"He's too good," she huffed. "You know, he's too smart to explain it to a normal girl with a normal brain."

"Creative excuse," Coco laughed.

Grabbing her wrist, he pulled Roxy against him and they started dancing in their little corner of the clubhouse. At first it was playful, they joked and laughed, but soon their dancing became sexual and their laughter was silenced by their kissing. Nothing was too overt, they were in the shadows and a good distance from the others, but Roxy managed to get a grip and pull herself away.

"You want another beer?"

"I want something," he growled as she walked away.

Roxy glanced back at him and winked just as Bishop made his way over to the corner. "I'm out," he told Coco. "I was talking to Alvarez, he said he wants the bike show to be a family thing so you should ask Roxy."

"Me?" Coco seemed uncomfortable with it.

"Yeah," Bishop said with some heavy attitude. "He wants to see Mateo, he's bringing his wife and daughter. Like I said, family."

"Sure," Coco nodded. "I'll tell her."

"He doesn't want her to know he's checking up on her," Bishop said quietly, "And you."

"You told him?" Coco asked, surprised Bishop wouldn't want to see that conversation in real time.

"No," Bishop laughed. "You're fucking adults, Coco."

"Then why's he checking up on me?"

Bishop dropped the jokes and became a little bit more sincere for a minute. "It's not that serious. As long as you treat her right he won't give a shit what goes on between you two."

"But she said," Coco said with confusion.

"She says a lot of stuff to keep assholes at a distance," Bishop told him. "You picked a pretty mixed up chick, carnal."

"I didn't pick her," he shrugged. "Just trying to live my truth and she's it."

Bishop smiled at that and pointed off toward Angel and Gilly just as Roxy strolled by on her way back to them. "Don't let those two do anything stupid."

"I'll try," he chuckled.

"What?" Roxy asked, looking at them both as they shared a laugh.

"Nothing," Bishop said with a smile. "Don't let her do anything stupid either," he added.

"Hey!" She feigned offense.

Bishop winked at her and sauntered away and out of the clubhouse for the night. Roxy and Coco made their way toward the others after deciding they had been antisocial enough.

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