Chapter 17

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Roxy slithered in and somersaulted from the counter onto the floor less than gracefully. She clambered to her feet and moved from the kitchen toward the hall quietly. She remembered the layout of the house well, creeping along the wall, but there was something new she wasn't expecting. As she turned the corner, she felt a strong hand gripping her neck and slamming her against the wall. It was Happy, she knew immediately, and at that moment Roxy knew she was going to die.

"Drop the gun," he growled through the darkness.

"No," she croaked out, holding her pistol tight in her hand. "You killed him."

"That pussy Esai? Yeah," he said coolly, "I did."

Roxy began to cry. "You fucking lied to me, Hap."

"What are you doing here?" He asked her, ignoring her previous statement. "You think you were gonna kill me?"

"Isn't that what we do?"

"Not you," he said. "You always forget you're not a member of any goddamn MC," Happy growled.

Roxy kneed him in the groin, weakening his grip, and managed to free herself. Stumbling back, she raised her gun and aimed it at him.

"What did he do?" She asked, coughing a little.

"Botched a hit," Happy growled. "Almost got Clay killed."

"Small loss," she hissed.

"Not at the time," he told her. "Jax wanted him dead, Alvarez agreed, so I did it."

"Why didn't you tell me?" She whimpered.

Happy shrugged. "Didn't want to do that to you, kid."

"You're a coward," she cried. "I cried to you, Hap. You helped me with Mateo, with money, you fucking took care of me."

Happy didn't look at her.

"You didn't really care. You felt guilty."

"Both," he admitted. "If you're gonna shoot me, do it."

"What?" She drew her head back.

"Fucking do it," he said slamming his fist against his sternum.

Seeing her frozen, Happy faked her out, as if he were going to attack. In a panic she pulled the trigger hitting him in the shoulder.

"Oh my god," she sobbed. "Ar-are you okay?"

When she stepped closer, Happy grabbed her by the throat again. Roxy tried to lunge, wriggling and pushing to free herself, but Happy only gripped her throat tighter. She clawed at his hand, unable to breathe now, but he didn't loosen his grip. When she opened her mouth to attempt to plead with him, nothing came out but a weak breathless gasp.

As her body began to go limp there was another thud from the kitchen. Happy let her go, Roxy's body sliding down the wall and crumbling on the floor, and took her gun to go investigate the sound. This time, he was one caught in a dangerous position. Still on the floor, EZ sat with his gun on Happy.

"It's you," he said knowingly.

"Where's Roxy?"

Happy nodded toward the hall. "Might want to go check if she's breathing." It was a empty threat, Happy knew she was still alive, but he wanted to get the upper hand and it worked.

EZ scrambled to Roxy's side and checked her pulse. "What did you do?"

"She came in here trying to kill me," Happy shrugged.

"Rox," EZ said softly, gripping her shoulders. "Roxy come on."

Happy opened his mouth to make another remark when the roar of countless bikes hit their ears. Chibs and Tig pounded on the door, "Hap," Chibs called out warningly.

Happy opened the door and immediately gestured to Roxy. "I'm fine," he gestured to his shoulder. "She's alive and she knows," Happy grumbled as Tig went to check on her.

"Aye, Bishop called when they found her with Nero," Chibs explained. "And again when her old man woke up and found her gone." Moving toward the hallway, Chibs looked over EZ's shoulder. "She okay?"

"She's breathing," he said darkly. "He almost killed her."

"You think she broke in here to talk to me?" Happy growled.

"I think you could have protected yourself without almost killing her, " EZ snarled.

"The Mayans are coming," Chibs told them. "We'll figure this shite out in the daylight but this," he gestured to Roxy, "This is bad."


It was almost noon when the Mayans descended upon Charming. They went to Gemma's, using it as a flophouse and makeshift clubhouse, finding Coco and EZ huddled at the kitchen table.

"How is she?" Bishop asked after everyone had greeted each other.

"Upset," Coco said simply.

"She's pissed," EZ elaborated, "And scared."

"Bish," Coco said urgently, "He almost killed her."

"She broke into his house, Coco," Tranq reminded him as if he forgot, "She was going to do the same him."

"That's bullshit," EZ said quickly.

"This doesn't concern you," Bishop said, jabbing his finger in EZ's chest. "You should have brought her right back, not taken some dead relative stroll and let her slip away."

EZ nodded, bowing out, and let the rest of them continue the discussion.

"They're not going to hurt her," Bishop assured Coco, "But this shit is on us."

"What are they saying?" Roxy asked quietly as she approached EZ who stood awkwardly between the kitchen and the living room.

"That I fucked up," he huffed, "And that they won't let any Son hurt you."

"I think I made a mistake, E," she whimpered.

"You did," he said, turning to her. His face twisted up when he saw the extent of her bruises. "Shit," his hands ran along her neck. "Does it hurt?"

She nodded. "I deserved it."

"You've never been a martyr, don't start now," he chided.

"Wanna take another hit for me?" She asked sadly.

"No," he snapped. "What are you planning?"

"I want to talk to them," she explained. "This isn't a Mayan issue, this is a Sons issue. Only the Sons."

"I'm not letting you sneak out," he said firmly. "You wanna do that, you go talk to Bishop yourself."

"Fine," she huffed. "I will."

When Roxy stepped into the kitchen the men went silent. Bishop looked at her and shook his head. "Querida," he said in a disappointed tone as he went to hug her. "You fucked up."

"I know," she sighed. "I'm sorry."

"What's your next move?" He asked her knowingly.

Roxy swallowed slowly and shrugged. "The truth. All I wanted to do was get away from the legacy of the Tellers, the lies, the violence and the bullshit. Well, look at me now," she rolled her eyes. "Can you take me to the clubhouse?"

Bishop seemed surprised but nodded. "Me and Tranq," he told her.

"Yo, Bish," Coco spoke up.

"You idiots stay here," Bishop growled at Coco. "You've done enough, we don't need your help."

Roxy turned to Coco with a frown. "I'm sorry."

"You coulda told me," he said with annoyance. "You fucked me over, Rox."

"I know," she shook her head. "I didn't mean to get you in trouble."

Coco nodded, "I know. Just clear your shit up then we'll figure it out."

"Let's go," Bish said harshly. "I want to get this over with and get the hell out of here."

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