1. Welcome to the BRONX

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I adjusted the rearview mirror with my left hand so it was facing me while my right one was digging inside my purse, searching for my lip-gloss.

When I finally found it, I opened it and laid a thick coat of the sticky red substance on my already plump lips. The smell of strawberry instantly filled my nostrils, mixed with the new-car scent. I put it back in my purse and pressed my lips together, making a popping sound. Turning the rearviewmirror to its original position I hung my black purse on my shoulder and took hold of the door handle to get out of the car. I locked it and started walking towards the soccer field where the kids were finishing practice.

I sat on a bench, waiting for my little brother to come out, entertaining myself with my nails. I need to go to the salon, I thought to myself. I looked up at my brand new white Audi, perfectly parked and shining under New York’s afternoon light. It was a present my parents had bought me for passing last course with good grades but I hadn’t got it until the beginning of September because they had to bring it all the way from Europe. Definitely, it was worth the wait. This was probably the third time I drove it, considering it was still September 16th although I’ve had my license since I turned 16. It’s not like you can use your car a lot in a city like New York, unless you like traffic jams of course. But I still wanted to have a car and not being driven everywhere by my dad or my annoying older brother. And I always get what I want.

“Brooklyn! Brooklyn!” My brother Tommy appeared by my side screaming my name.

“Hey little boy. How was practice?” I asked ruffling his hair.

“It was great and I made a new friend.” He said smiling from ear to ear. “Jaxon come meet my sis!” he shouted at some kid.

I love my little brother with all my heart; actually he’s the only bearable one of my siblings. I’m the only girl and sometimes I feel alone but Tommy, being just 7 years old, is too adorable.

“Wow your first day of practice and you already made a friend, that’s great!” I kneeled down to his level, grinning.

Soon a little boy with the blondest hair I’ve ever seen came towards us shyly.

“So you must be Jaxon, nice to meet you. I’m Brooklyn but you can call me Brooke.” I stuck my hand out for him to shake, which he did with a shy smile.

“Nice to meet you Brooke.” He said with a really cute voice.

I stood up again and took Tommy’s hand to lead him to the car. I was gonna start walking when I saw Jaxon making his way to the subway station.

“Wait Jaxon! Is nobody coming to pick you up?” I pulled my eyebrows together in confusion. He is only seven, he can’t ride on the subway alone.

He shook his little head but made an attempt to keep walking.

“Come here, we’ll give you a ride home.” I smiled reassuringly. If you haven’t noticed, I love children.

“No, don’t worry.” He shook his head again.

“I’m not taking no as an answer.” I sang and took his hand in my free one, leading the two kids to my car. Jaxon’s mouth formed an ‘o’.

“You like the car?” I asked.

He looked at me and nodded, still in awe. I laughed and ushered them both in the back seat, fastening their belts and closing the door before hoping on the driver’s seat. I put the keys in the engine and set my purse on the passenger’s seat.

“Do you know your address so I can put it on the GPS?” I asked turning on my seat to face him.

He told me and I typed it, gasping when I saw where it was. But I shrugged it off and pulled my wooden wedges against the accelerator, speeding down the road following the GPS instructions. It’s not like I could kick the child out just because he lived where he lived.

B.R.O.N.X (by swaggiebiebsie)Where stories live. Discover now