23. Beginning with J

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I slowly turned around and saw his eyes had darkened and his jaw was clenched.  I remained quiet but the tension, which was growing thick in the air because of the heavy silence, was hard to withstand.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to –“ I started only to shut up again when Justin spoke up.

“It’s okay. I’ll have to tell you sooner or later.” His voice was hoarse like he was trying to compose himself.

Oh my God Brooklyn, what have you said?

Justin sighed and slumped down on his bed, resting his back against the headrest.

I ran a hand through my hair, which was slightly knotted due to the wind. “Honestly Justin, you don’t need to tell me now. It’s fine.” I gave him a reassuring smile and sat on the edge of the bed by his side. He buried his face in his hands, letting out another sigh. I’m not gonna lie, the curiosity was eating me alive but, for Justin to be acting this way, it must have been something really serious/sad/tough.

My hand tentatively reached to touch his and he released his face from his hands under my touch, relaxing a bit. I scooted closer to him as my thumb caressed his knuckles. His eyes refused to meet mine and I bit my lip in worry.

Suddenly, Justin’s fingers moved so they were intertwined with mine and he gave me a small smile, which I returned.

After another long sigh, he finally said something. “That’s my dad.” He pointed his chin at the picture I had previously seen. Even though he kept his face emotionless, his voice betrayed him. His eyes weren’t teary or anything, just cold. I was scared of hearing what happened with his dad. Was he dead? Did he leave his family? All the possibilities ran though my mind like a whirlwind.

I nodded giving his hand a squeeze, letting him know he could continue if he wanted.

“He…” He cleared his throat, making his voice come out less gloomy. I waited for him to go on, not wanting him to feel pressured. “I haven’t seen him in nearly a year.” He turned to look at me as I tried not to gasp. His eyes softened and I reached to take his other hand too.

“Why?” I asked quietly, tearing my gaze away from his.

I heard the sound of his tongue flicking over his lips. “He…He’s in the army, in Palestine right now.”

And then, it all made sense: his dad not being home for so long, the dog tag Justin wore, him getting sad when talking about his father…

“Oh.” Was all I could mutter. “I-I’m sorry.” I added, not really knowing what else to say.

To my surprise, a small chuckle escaped Justin’s mouth. “Why would you be sorry?”

I shrugged awkwardly, looking up at him. His face had softened in general and he no longer seemed upset. Maybe it had been like having a weight lifted off his shoulders? “I don’t know, I just feel bad for you.”

“I don’t need anybody’s pity.” He scowled and dropped my hands, folding his arms across his chest.

My eyebrows shot upwards, taken aback by his sudden harshness, but I kind of understood him. I guess I would feel the same if I was in his place so I ignored his outburst and decided to ask him something instead of getting mad. “The dog tag you wear, is it his?”

Justin glanced briefly at me and then down at his chest, where the chain hung above his navy blue t-shirt. “Yeah.” He mumbled and took one of my hands again as if apologizing for being so rude seconds before.  He tugged on it, motioning for me to sit closer to him. I took my boots off and moved until I wasresting by back on the headboard next to his and our legs were touching. Our intertwined hands were in his lap as he played with my fingers. He looked socute when he was deep in thought.

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