39. Unapologetic

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I woke up to beams of sunlight pinching my eyes. It was like that sensation you get when you have your eyes closed in a lit up room. You don't see darkness. You don't see anything but you know there's light because there is like a yellowish film covering your pupils. And it is extremely annoying.

I turned my body away from the light, moaning unconsciously. However, I found myself trapped between a pair of arms that held a loose but secure grip around my body. Justin was snoring lightly beside me, his lips parted and his eyes closed in relaxation. I was blocking the light from his face, that's why he was still asleep. The sight of such a peaceful, innocent-looking boy made me smile. I wanted to reach out and run my fingers through his soft, unruly hair. It had gone blonder over the time we had known each other, or at least it looked a lighter color to me. Beauty marks were scattered all over his face, giving him a sweeter look. I particularly liked the one under his left eye. His eyelashes – that could be the envy of any girl with how long and bushy they were – overcastted shadows on his soft cheeks.

The sheets had rolled down his shoulder leaving all the patch of skin from there to his elbow uncovered. Since he was turned on his side, I had a good view of the tattoo on his left shoulder-blade. It looked like an native Indian but I was yet to know the meaning it held for him. Justin stirred in his sleep, moving his hand from my waist a little under. I was startled for a second, lifting the sheets to check if we were naked. As far as I saw and felt, I only had Justin's t-shirt on and he was just in his boxers. So last night had happened, it hadn't been a dream. A content grin drew on my face, my cheeks coating a rosy shade remembering how Justin had made love to me and how perfect it had been.

Sighing in delight, I carefully unwrapped his arms from my body and got up from the bed, resuming I wasn't gonna get anymore sleep. Justin's face scrunched up at the sudden light hitting him. It was so cute, I had a hard time stifling a giggle. But I did snap a picture. Walking slowly on my tip toes, I closed the curtains we had forgotten about yesterday, casting the room in darkness. A glance at the alarm clock on my nightstand told me that it was already 11 am, meaning my mother was most likely awake. Even when she had gone to bed at 3 in the morning after a hard day of work she would wake up no later than 8. It amazed me.

I was pretty sure I heard more than one voice faintly having a conversation in other room, though. A slight, bearable pain had shot up between my legs the moment I rose from the bed but I was trying to ignore it. Shrugging, I strolled inside the bathroom for my morning routine. I tried to be as silent as possible but apparently it didn't work.

"Hmmm." A throaty groan escaped Justin's lips as he fluttered his eyes open. I was standing on the doorway of the bathroom, unmoving to see if he would go back to sleep. "What time is it?" He mumbled, rubbing his eyes with his fist as he stretched comfortably on the queen sized bed.

"Time to rise and shine sleepy head." I sang, jumping on top of him on the bed. I had put on my underwear temporarily, since I was planning to have a shower as soon as possible.

Justin chuckled, not fully awake yet. He had managed to entangle his legs on the completely messed up sheets, leaving his bare torso on display on top of the covers. I took my sweet time to run my eyes down his abs, admiring the view.

"Checking me out so early in the morning?" Justin squinted at me, a cocky smirk set upon his lips.

I tilted my head to the side, pursing my lips and narrowing my eyes.

"I know you observe me while I sleep." He added, suppressing a grin.

"I don't." I denied playfully, climbing down from his waist and rolling out of bed once again. It wasn't possible he had seen me before, he was totally unconscious. "You have to go, by the way." I informed while taking a fresh pair of underwear from my drawer and something comfortable I could wear  for a chilling-at-home day. "My family is already up."

B.R.O.N.X (by swaggiebiebsie)Where stories live. Discover now