25. B2

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I closed the door behind me and walked to Jazmyn’s bed, where she was curled up in a ball. When she felt the weight of my body sinking on the edge of the bed, she uncovered her face. Her greenish hazel eyes were puffy and red and her cheeks were tear-stained and flushed.

I stayed silent until she decided she wanted to talk so she wouldn’t feel pressured. “Boys are jerks.” She muttered, her bottom lip still trembling.

Of course this would have to do with boys. 99.9% of girls’ problems concern the opposite sex. I gave her a sympathetic look. “Do you wanna talk about it?” Since I’ve never had a younger sister I opted for treating Jazzy like I would treat any of my girl friends.

A pang of pain crossed her eyes and she struggled not to cry again as she sat upright, resting her body against the wall.

“I thought he loved me, he said he did.” Her eyes stared lost at the wall. “He said I was different.” She sniffed once and switched her gaze to me.

I licked my lips. “Whatever it was he did, he doesn’t deserve you if he didn’t appreciate you.”

She scoffed, flicking her hair from her face. “That’s so easy to say. You’re not the one who’s been cheated on because you didn’t want to have sex just yet.” She exclaimed bitterly as a fresh wave of tears overcame her tired eyes.

Well now I can tell that the strong temperament is something everyone has in Justin’s family. I reached for a box of tissues that was resting on her nightstand and snatched a few, wiping her face slowly. I would have given her a hug but she doesn’t look much like a hugger.

“I’ve been cheated on too, you know?” I replied softly, making Jazmyn’s expression change from bitterness to disbelief. “The boy I had a crush on for about four years was kissing my best friend the day of my birthday. In front of my face.” I chuckled at the memory, now it just seemed stupid to cry over Nate.

Jazzy’s mouth formed a big ‘O’. “What the fuck? Well, your friend’s a hoe and that guy is an asshole.” She stated. “I would have chopped the prick’s penis and fed it to her, see if she liked it so much now.” She sneered.

I laughed loudly at her choice of words – not that she wasn’t right though – and she joined me. “I can’t believe you just said that.” I shook my head, trying to get rid of the laughter because my stomach was hurting from laughing so much in the same day. “But the point is,” I became serious once again, tucking some strands of hair that were stuck to Jazmyn’s face behind her ears. “you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince.”

She sighed before looking up at me again. “Do you think my brother is gonna be your prince?” She blurted out.

The question caught me off guard, making me blush hard.

“I mean, I’ve never seen him this whipped before.” She continued, cracking a smile.

I shifted on the bed while my fingers played with the hem of my plaid shirt. “I guess he could be. I don’t know yet.” I tossed all my hair to one side, smiling lightly at Jazmyn. “But I really hope he will be.” I admitted timidly.

Jazzy ginned but sadness was still evident in her eyes, making me frown. “Look, I know everything looks terrible now but I promise it will be much better if you try to have some fun with Jaxon. It’s his birthday after all.” I encouraged her to stand up.

“Don’t say anything to Justin. God knows what he’ll do to Colton if he finds out.” She pleaded me with her eyes. “If he asks you, just make up an excuse.” She stood up, blowing her nose with a tissue. “Oh, and thank you, brooklyn.”

B.R.O.N.X (by swaggiebiebsie)Where stories live. Discover now