29. Beautiful Monster

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I swung my fist back, ready to punch the motherfucker again when I felt Brooklyn by my side telling me to stop.

“Justin, it’s not worth it.” She shouted over the music although her voice sounded like she was about to cry.

“She’s right man, let’s go.” Tyson joined her tugging back at my arms to get me out of there. If nobody was to stop me I would have killed him with my bare hands.

“I’m letting it go this time but if I ever see you near my girlfriend again, I’ll make sure you’re not breathing by the time I’m done with you.” With one last glare at the prick, I let them guide me to the other side of the room, leaving him bleeding and his friends dumbfounded.

Once we were a considerable distance away, I stopped Brooklyn and examined her face, neck and basically every part of her skin that was exposed to that dickhead’s greedy eyes. “Are you okay? Did he touch or something?” I felt my hands forming fists at my sides just by thinking of some other guy laying as much as a finger on my girl.

“I’m alright, Justin. You got there just in time.” She pulled me in for a hug, her arms still trembling because of the fright. I held her tight as she buried her face in my neck trying to even her breath.

“I came as soon as Kelsey let me know.” I whispered soothingly. “You’re safe now, babe. That douche is not going to bother you ever again.”

She slightly pulled away from me so she would be able to gaze into my eyes. “I love it when you become all protective.” Her lips twitched upwards in a small smile as mine mirrored them.

“Good you do because I’m not letting you out of my sight tonight.” I mumbled against her lips before kissing her sweetly.

She giggled girlishly upon hearing that. Ugh this girl makes me go all soft. “Do you still want that drink?” I asked when I saw Tyson and Kelsey were already drinking theirs and dancing to the first notes of Clique by Kanye West, Big Sean and Jay Z.

“Sure.” Brooke replied, nodding her head to the beat. We had listened to this song this morning while we were on the subway so she must have remembered it.

I led her all the way to the bar, the whole time having my arms secured around her. “Two cubalibres.” I ordered, watching as the man filled two red cups – I don’t know why they’re always red – with rum and coke.

“Remember to watch my liquor in case I go crazy.” Brooklyn reminded me with a small chuckle. Yeah, we don’t want her drunk like last time; although I must admit it was funny to watch.

“Of course, Princess.” I smirked, handing her one of the cups. I made out her cheeks turning red like they always do when I call her nicknames. Oh the effect I have on this chick.

“Let’s dance!” She suddenly suggested, dragging me to the dance floor where Tyson and Kelsey were grinding against each other.

Brooklyn eyed them weirdly, shaking her head, which made me laugh. “I can’t dance like that.” She determined.

“Yes, you can. Let me teach you.” I winked down at her, making her bite her lip at the perspective of dancing so sensually with me. She’s so innocent, it’s cute. Despite the fact that she was wearing pretty high heels, I was still a couple inches taller than her.

Turning her around, I wrapped my free arm around her waist and pressed her body to mine so our pelvis were nearly at the same height.

Clique kept blasting through the speakers as I swayed our hips from side to side to the rhythm. “See? You got it.” I exclaimed proudly. To be the first time she dirty danced, she wasn’t doing badly at all.

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