33. Drop the bomb

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My first reaction was to bring my hands to cup my mouth. It was so wide open that I thought my jaws were gonna get dislocated. “You’re,” I took my time to process the information in my brain since it wasn’t working properly from the drugs. “pregnant?”

Kelsey gave me the “duh” look while Sam just nodded, biting her lower lip. “Oh my God.” I said quickly, my hands dropping to my sides as I kept staring in shock. It wasn’t until I felt Kelsey’s elbow nudging my ribs that I snapped out of it and got a grip. “What are you gonna do?” My voice was serious but sympathetic as one of my hands reached to rub Sam’s arm comfortingly.

“I don’t know.” She shook her head, tears forming in her eyes. She looked so lost, so desperate and regretful. She glanced between Kelsey and I, hoping to find some reassurance that everything was gonna be okay or, at least, some help.

“Does Mike know? Because it’s Mike’s, right?” I quickly added the last part. The last thing we needed was for the father of the baby to be someone else.

“Of course it is.” Sam hastily replied. “But… he doesn’t know.” She continued in a lower voice, her big eyes looking down at the sandy ground.

“Why haven’t you told him?” Kelsey urged, the sympathy in her voice being replaced by bewilderment.

“It’s not easy, okay?” Sam rebated, wiping a tear that had managed to fall down her cheek before it reached her chin.

Immediately, Kelsey and I had our arms wrapped around her shaking body. “Shhh, it’s gonna be alright.” We both whispered soothing words, exchanging glances of disbelief now and then. Just the thought of having a baby at this age – even though Sam was already 18, a year older than me – made my skin crawl in fright.

When we pulled away, Kelsey wiped the remaining tears under Sam’s eyes with her thumbs as she sniffed softly. “You really need to tell him, though. He deserves to know, honey.”

“I know, it’s just… I don’t know how he’s gonna take it and I don’t wanna be left alone with a baby I can’t take care of just by myself.” She explained, her hands unconsciously moving down to her belly.

“Mike is not that kind of guy. You can see in his eyes that he loves you unconditionally.” I assured her, giving her a warm smile.

She blushed slightly at my answer then sighed. “But we’ve basically been fighting for the past two weeks, how am I gonna tell him this now?”

“Wait, you were having problems because of this? This is what you didn’t want to tell me at the party?” Realization suddenly kicked me.

“Well, yeah.” She bit her lip again. “He insisted that there was something bugging me and I kept telling him it was nothing but he knew I was lying and got mad saying I don’t trust him.” She rolled her eyes.

“But put in his place. He’s aware that something’s wrong with his girlfriend but she won’t tell him anything. He probably feels like you don’t love him or something.” Kelsey said as sweetly as possible while getting the point across.

Sam seemed to consider it, changing her weight from one foot to another. “You’re right.” She finally admitted to herself. “I’ll go talk to him.”

Although she looked determined, we knew she was a nervous wreck inside so both Kelsey and I sent her encouraging looks. Then, before we left, I remembered I had forgotten to ask her something. “How long have you been...?” I moved my fingers in a circular motion, making sure she knew what I was talking about.

“About a month now, but I found out like over two weeks ago.” She explained, rubbing her stomach before she cracked a smile. “It’s not noticeable yet but I do feel something inside my stomach.” A grin made its way across our faces when we saw that she actually wanted to keep the baby, even if it had been a surprise. “Don’t tell anyone, yeah?”

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