43. I knew you were trouble

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"Are you sure you're okay, baby?" Brooklyn asked for the fourth time, concern filling her voice.

I sighed against my pillow. I wasn't okay, but I was glad that she couldn't see me through the phone to be able to state the obvious.

"Yeah, just tired," I said in my most convincing voice, faking a yawn.

She didn't speak for a second. "Okay, if you're sure it's just that... " she trailed off, obviously knowing something else was up because she could read me like a book, but not pushing it. "Just rest. I'm gonna make you dance a lot tonight," she added with a giggle.

I chuckled. "Can't wait," I said with clear non-enthusiasm. I was dreading this Winter Ball thing, and not just because of the dressing up and going to a school full of rich stuck-up kids. To be honest, those were—probably for the first time—the least of my worries.

"C'mon, Justin. It'll be fun and it'll be your warm-up for my senior prom," Brooklyn said, and I could picture her grinning at the ceiling as she lay on her bed.

"Oh, so you're gonna ask me to the prom?" I said, surprised. That was at least another five months away. I had never thought so long ahead with a chick, but then again I had never been in a relationship. This was all new to me.

"Unless you want me to ask someone else?" She said teasingly.

"No," I exclaimed quickly, the thought of Brooklyn dancing with any other guy making my skin crawl. I will not share my girl. "I'll be glad to be your date, even though I'm an old school believer that the boy should ask the girl and not the other way round," I continued, shifting my phone from one hand to the other as I lay on my stomach on my still unmade bed.

Brooklyn laughed. "Then I will subtly let you know when the prom is coming so you can ask me and not the other way round," she mocked me.

"I don't appreciate you making fun of me, Princess," I faked a serious tone, although I found it cute when she tried to tease me the way I always teased her.

"Oh my God, it's snowing!" She blatantly ignored me. I heard movement and rustling through the phone and then a squeal, making me distance the screeching device from my ear. "Can you see the snow, Justin? Aw, it's so beautiful," she cooed, most likely gluing her face to the glass of her window in awe.

I stole a look at the window from my bed, not thrilled enough to stand up. She fangirled about snow as if she had never seen it before. "Yeah, I see it," I said, laughing at her reaction.

"I'm gonna ask Tommy if he wants to make a snowman," she suddenly chirped in, as though she'd had the best idea ever. Sometimes I wondered if she had this Peter Pan complex thing.

"Alright, but don't forget to get you scarf or you'll get a cold," I spoke as if I was talking to a child, which surely made Brooke roll her eyes.

"Oh, shut up. I'm just looking back on my childhood."

"Good luck with your snowman." I couldn't help but laugh again. How on earth do you make a snowman in the middle of Manhattan? "I'll pick you up at 6."

"Okay, laters babe!" She lilted before hanging up, not even giving me time to say a goodbye back. I shook my head amusedly. She could be so childish sometimes, yet so mature when she needed to.

However, my joy didn't last long as I remembered why I was upset in the first place. Maybe I should have told Brooklyn before she heard it from someone else—someone called Ryan Reed that just happens to be her brother—but I couldn't bring myself to do it. It was basically serving her a reason to hate me and not want to see me ever again in a silver plate.

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