32. High

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I revved the car up in an angry motion. As the engine roared to life, I wiped the fresh tears that were clouding my vision, falling freely down my rose cheeks. Taking a deep breath to calm myself, I pulled out of the garage and into the busy streets of New York City. Deciding it was enough of the crying and that the situation didn’t deserve it, I sniffed one last time. I can’t believe I just walked out on my parents. I preferred not to think about the consequences of my actions. Being grounded for my whole life seemed like the least of my worries right now. I was completely screwed once I returned home. Because I would eventually have to come back.

And I was dreading the moment.

However, there was something that still nagged me. My parents said they had found out I ditched because of Ryan but, how the hell could he know about it? Figuring I would have to call him to find out, I took advantage of a red light to slide my phone out of my pocket and dial his number. Swapping to the speaker mode, I rested the device on the dashboard and waited for my brother to pick up.

“C’mon.” I impatiently tapped my fingers on the steering wheel. When he finally answered, his voice sounded confused.


“Don’t ‘sis’ me, Ryan.” I spat, stomping my foot on the pedal again when the light turned green. “How the hell did you find out?”

“What are you talking about, Brooklyn?” If I hadn’t known better, I would have believed he was genuinely oblivious to what I was on.

“Don’t play dumb with me. Who told you I skipped school today and why did you tell mom and dad?” I nearly shouted. Although I was breathing deeply to remain calm, Ryan’s stupidity wasn’t helping the cause and I was afraid I would run over someone while driving.

“I should be the one asking you why the hell you ditched, you know?” His voice turned darker as he too became fed up with me.

“That happens to not concern you. It’s my life.” I retorted, getting impatient again. He spoke as if he had never missed one lesson. Hypocrite.

Stopping at another red light, my foot tapped rhythmically on the carpeted floor of the car. Ryan snorted loudly on the other end. “It happens to concern me when I know the reason why you did it.”

“Really? Enlighten me then.” I sneered, even though he couldn’t see me.

“Hmm, let me think, maybe that Bieber boy?” He remarked snarly.

“Here we go again.” I sighed irritated at his inexplicable hatred towards Justin, my teeth grinding together.

“You thought I wouldn’t find out, Brooklyn? I know you two are dating.” His tone grew madder by the second.

“No shit. And who told you?” I emitted a sigh of relief when I saw the familiar streets of the Bronx coming into view. I knew where I wanted to come right to as soon as I crossed the door of my house.

“That doesn’t matter.” He muttered.

“Oh, but it matters to me so tell me now.” My voice grew at least an octave higher in pure annoyance.

“Fine, you wanna know?” He challenged.


“Natasha told me! You happy?” He snapped after spilling the news.

Why didn’t it surprise me? I should have guessed it from the beginning.

“You’re back to being friends now or?” I snorted, taking a turn to the left.

B.R.O.N.X (by swaggiebiebsie)Where stories live. Discover now