21. Making amends

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“Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a nucleic acid containing the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms.”

I repeated the sentence over and over in my head, willing my brain to retain the words. When it didn’t, I sighed in frustration, burying my face in my hands and then running them trough my hair as my head fell on top of the open Biology book. My phone vibrated on the desk, causing me to lift myhead and look at the screen, which was displaying my conversation with Kelsey via iMessage.

Kelsey: This is torture ‘-.-

Brooklyn: You’ve been saying that for the past two hours.

Kelsey: But it’s the truth.

Brooklyn: I know. I think I’m gonna fail :(

Kelsey: Ha. Next joke please.

I cracked a small smile. I haven’t failed a test in my life. EVER. And now, thanks to the chaos that is my mind, I’m gonna break that rule. I typed a quick response and tried to focus back on the book.

Brooklyn: I’m serious. I’ve been staring at the same definition for 10 minutes.

Kelsey: It’s Saturday night and we’re stuck studying. This. Is. Sad.

I chuckled. Spending tonight at home was the least of my worries. The problem here was that I had an important Biology exam on Monday and I wasn’t even half-through the whole syllabus yet. And there are some reasons for that:

1. I have slept a maximum of 3 hours due to how late I got home yesterday and how it suddenly became impossible for me to close my eyes.

2. My eyes hurt from crying until I fell asleep and then a couple of times during the day.

3. And the most important and, at the same time cause of the other ones: Justin.

He was my biggest problem right now. I couldn’t keep the douche off my thoughts. Even thinking about chromosomes would lead me to think about hischromosomes and how they must be perfect because they make a gorgeous individual. A part of me was hoping he would call me or text me saying he was sorry for what he said and did, but none of it happened. Even then, my brain wasn’t able to stop thinking about him. I was hurt and I didn’t want to see him (or that’s what I told myself) but him not trying to contact me or apologize made me wonder if he really meant what he said yesterday.

“When will you get it, Brooklyn? I’m not good for you, my lifestyle is not made for you and you should’ve run away scared the second you met me instead of coming back to me all the time.”

I scowled at the memory. He even told me I should be scared of him and, truth be told, yesterday I was a bit scared. I knew he wouldn’t physically hurt me but boy, were his words painful. It’s been around a couple months since I met him and just when I finally admit to myself that I like him, he decides to push me away.

“Brooklyn!” My mother called from somewhere in the house. My head shot up and I realized I had been daydreaming. I sent Kelsey a quick reply and shut my phone off, stuffing it in the pocket of my Hello Kitty pajama shorts.

I left my room and walked in the direction of her voice. I found her in the living room’s table, siting surrounded by tons of papers and wearing her red glasses. “You called me?”

“Yes. I wanted to show you the men’s collection.” She gathered all the sheets together and made them become one wad. “I just finished it.” She grinned widely, handing me the drawings and sketches.

B.R.O.N.X (by swaggiebiebsie)Where stories live. Discover now