14. Party & Bullsh*t

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“You sure you don’t want me to drive you home?” Anna asked me for the fourth time as we stood on the porch of her house.

“Seriously, you don’t need to. I’ll just take a cab.” I assured her flashing a small smile.

“Okay just be careful and I guess I’ll see you at school tomorrow. Finally Friday.” She sighed contently.

“Yeah, see you there.” I gave her a small wave and started descending the stairs as I heard her door close.

A cold breeze hit my face as soon as I stepped in the street making me shiver. I hugged my black coat to my body tighter. The only audible sound was the clicking of my wedged black ankle-boots against the pavement and the sudden gusts of wind. It was already dark outside even though I still could make out the sun setting on the horizon. Some dry leaves rustled on the ground moved by the chilly air. You could say it was a creepy scenario.

I kept walking down the deserted street, ignoring the unpleasant feeling in my stomach and wanting nothing more than to find a not-so-empty street soon. As I neared a corner I looked at the houses that surrounded me. They were all detached houses, with their gardens and their cars parked in the driveway or the garage. By the size of the buildings you could tell it was a rich neighborhood, even if it was out of Manhattan.

I buried my face deeper in the collar of my coat trying to desperately warm my face. When I got to the corner I sighed happily at the sight of some cars driving by and some people out of their houses. However my happiness didn’t last long as a man dressed in dark clothes began to walk towards me. I wanted to turn on my heels and sprint off but it wouldn’t be a good idea considering that I was a slow runner wearing wedges. My heart started beating faster, pounding against my chest like a hammer. I was only a few feet from the creepy man and I tried to avoid the intense gaze he had on me and focus my terrified eyes onthe floor. He’s probably just a neighbour. I told myself. I didn’t realize, since I wasn’t looking, that I had bumped into someone, that someone being Creepy Man.

“Um, sorry.” I mumbled and aimed to start walking again but was stopped by his body in front of me.

“Why the hurry, doll?” Creepy Man asked in what, to me, was the scariest voice I’ve ever heard.

My breath got hitched in my throat and words wouldn’t come out. He chuckled.

“Cat got your tongue?” He said in a mocking tone.

“I have to go.” I reunited all my courage and tried to walk away but he stopped me again by grabbing my forearm.

“You’re not going anywhere.” He hissed in an evil tone of voice.

“Look, I have to go home or my parents will kill me so go rape some other girl, will ya?” Was that really me speaking? I may be looking confident on the outside but I was inwardly shaking in my boots.

“Uh, feisty. But don’t worry I ain’t gonna rape you. Just give me all your money and any other expensive things you have.” He said surprised by my confident outburst.

“I don’t have any money on me so sorry.” I sent him a sorry-not-sorry tight-lipped smile and tried to walk again.

“But I’m sure you have a phone.” He was clearly getting impatient and his grip on my arm got tighter.

“I’m not giving you my phone.” I exclaimed refusing to give my baby to a man that would most likely sell it to buy drugs or something. I love it way too much.

“You’re not making this easy, doll.” I cringed at the name he called me. Ew. “We can do this the hard way if that’s what you want.” He smirked evilly getting a knife out of his pocket and pointing it dangerously close to the exposed skin of my neck.

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