36. #Family

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Now it all made sense. The man at the door resembled Justin so much, even Jaxon shared some of his features. He looked young – no older than 40 – and was actually wearing the army uniform, a duffel bag resting next to his feet.

Justin kept on staring at him in what seemed to me like pure and utter shock. His mouth hung open but he couldn't manage to move or even blink, choosing instead to just gape at his father. However, Jaxon wasted no time in jumping into his father's arms and squeal a happy "Daddy!".

Jazmyn, who was standing right by my side a second before, was also clinging to her father in the most loving hug I had ever seen. Justin only stepped to the side when he noticed his mom running towards her husband with tears of joy cascading down her face.

I decided to give them some privacy and remained inside the small kitchen, but it was kind of awkward to witness such an intimate moment between a family that wasn't mine. Nevertheless, a frown etched across my face when I realized Justin was walking backwards to his room, like he didn't want to participate in the group hug.

"Justin." I whispered questioningly, not understanding his weird behavior. He had never told me much about his father, always trying to avoid the subject whenever it came out, but he did say he missed him. Then, why was he acting like that?

Instead of replying to me, he disappeared inside his room as I stood there in confusion. "Where'd he go?" Asked Jazmyn, wiping the tears that were staining her cheeks, a smile printed on her beautiful face despite his brother's actions.

"Give him time." A manly voice spoke for the first time, Justin's father.

I tucked a strand of blonde hair behind my ear, leaning against the door frame of the kitchen and awkwardly looking down.

"This is Brooklyn, dad, Justin's girlfriend." Jazmyn introduced us as Pattie was still glued to her husband's side, glancing up at him like she was unable to believe he was home safe and sound. it was a stare o such admiration and love it almost made me aw.

"Justin has a girlfriend?" Mr. Bieber's voice was of utmost surprise, his bushy – so like Justin's – eyebrows shooting up. Everybody chuckled slightly, nodding and shrugging as if they had already got used to the eldest son being "committed" to one girl.

"It's nice to meet you, Mr. Bieber." I offered my hand with a polite smile adorning my lips.

"You too, Brooklyn. And call me Jeremy, please." He returned the smile, shaking my hand, although he kept this wary expression on his tired face.

I nodded before dropping his hand and using it to scratch my elbow. "I should probably go and see if he is okay." Jabbing a finger back at the direction Justin had walked off in, I waited for everyone's approval before turning on my heels and walking towards the door of his room at the end of the short hallway.

The door was closed but I didn't bother to knock, knowing he would tell me to leave him alone if I did. Therefore, I simply turned the knob, sighing slightly in relief when I noticed it wasn't locked. Pushing the door open, the first thing that called my attention was the crack on the wall next to Justin's head. How had he managed to make a crack on a cement wall, as small as it was?

"Justin." I called tentatively but got no response. He kept his forehead pressed against the dark blue wall, his hand balled in a fist by it, not letting me get a good view of his face. Was he crying?

"Baby, are you okay?" I asked quietly, slowly approaching his tensed body. He didn't move but merely hid his face ever more between his forearms, tugging at his hair with both hands.

He wasn't shaking so I presumed he wasn't crying – which was a relief because I had never seen him cry. Maybe it was just the shock from suddenly seeing his father after almost a year, but his behavior was more similar to how he acted when he was angry. And I was scared of angry Justin.

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