26. Bullets

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I found my feet walking out of the big room to the elevators. “I’m going to the bathroom.” I distractedly mumbled to Blake and Troy, who were immersed in a conversation about cars. Don’t call me cruel for leaving my brother with Arrogant Troy because he’s always admired him for some unknown and inexplicable reason. They didn’t even acknowledge me so I quietly crept to the end of the hallway, making sure no one saw me.

I tapped my foot on the floor impatiently, waiting for the elevator doors to open. A nervous feeling started settling in my stomach as I bit on my freshly painted nails, making a bit of the red polish chop off. I checked myself in the elevator mirror, no stains on my dress, no lion-looking hair and no traces of food near my mouth – not that I had eaten much, though. The ride never seemed to end since I had taken the elevator on the 68th floor and it had to get to basement 2.

When the machine finally stopped and the doors slid open with a clicking sound, I came across a dark, empty hallway. My stomach knotted as I stood there. Call me a whimp but this was all too similar to the SAW movies and that clown scared me to death. The doors were gonna close again but I pressed the button to stop them and called Justin. “Justin?” My voice was high-pitched and shaky. I got no answer but a light was turned on by the end of the corridor.

What if Justin had been kidnapped and someone had sent me that message to torture me?Brooklyn, get a grip on yourself.     

I walked ahead, quaking in my boots, leaving the safety of the elevator behind and leading my body to the light. “Justin, are you there? If this is a joke, I don’t like it so come out!” I yelled, but my voice didn’t come out as loud as I intended it too. Then, I heard a noise, something sounding like a rat crawling near me. I squeaked. Why does this have to happen to me? I felt like someone was gonna come out with a knife at any moment and stab me, leaving me to die slowly and painfully in this cold and humid basement where nobody could hear my screams of…


“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!” I jumped five feet high, dropping my clutch to cover my mouth. As soon as I heard a knowing snicker, I turned around. Justin was standing there, clutching his stomach and laughing like there was no tomorrow. I tried to steady my breath whilst my heart beat in my chest, threatening to explode. “You jerk!” I started punching him with my little fist, causing him to step backwards wiping tears of laughter from under his eyes.   

“I-I’m sorry but it was too funny.” He stuttered between giggles.

“I nearly had a heart attack.” I hissed, hitting him again.

“Okay, okay, stop.” He grabbed my wrists, looking me in the eyes and, just when I thought he was gonna stop laughing, he started all over again. I scoffed, getting out of his grip and walking away towards the light, now not frightened at all. Jigsaw, you can come out and kick him in the balls.      

“I’m gonna call you Boo from now on.” He decided, trailing after me with a stupid smirk still plastered on his face.

“Too many nicknames you have.” I sneered, sort of pissed.

“C’mon, baby. Don’t be like that. It was just a joke.” He hugged me from behind, nuzzling my neck and I almost gave into his arms.

“I hate you.” I turned around pouting, trying to look mad.

“No, you don’t.” He sang. “Because I came here to see you.”

I fought against the silly smile that was making its way across my lips. “Why are you here, Justin?”

“I had nothing better to do and I knew you’d be bored up there so I decided to save you.” He brought a hand to his chest in pride while winking.

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