24. Chemistry

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The bell for the first period rang, saving me from having to listen to Kelsey’s squeals of excitement one more second. I swear my eardrums were about to explode.

“Oh my gosh, I’m so happy B, like you have no idea. You two are so made for each other and omg he is so cute with you and I always knew you’d end up together and—“

“I get it.” I put a hand up in an attempt to stop her rambling.

“Jeez, it seems like I’m happier than you.” She scoffed, playing offended but then nudging me with her shoulder and winking.

I chuckled and took my usual seat at the Chemistry laboratory: third row next to the window. To my relief, Kelsey sat on the opposite side of the classroom. Don’t get me wrong, I love her, but sometimes she gets overexcited and can be a tad annoying.

Little by little, the empty seats started being filled by the laziest students that were obviously late for class but were lucky that Mrs. Marshall wasn’t here yet. I opened my bag, getting my notebook and pencil case out and settled them on top of the table. It was that kind of table for two people with strange chemical instruments attached to it.

Suddenly, I felt a presence beside me. I turned around, rolling my eyes when I saw who it was. Freaking great. Just my luck.

“Hey.” Nate greeted in an awkward voice.

As I hope he expected, I didn’t even bother on looking at him or replying and just ignored the douche. I had forgotten that, before everything went wrong with Nate, we had decided to work together on the Chemistry practices and now it was too late to change partners.

His sigh was all I heard before the door of the classroom opened, revealing the teacher. “Good morning, students.” Mrs. Marshall’s voice filled the air in the classroom, making students either groan quietly, scowl or roll their eyes. Let’s say this teacher wasn’t really well-loved here. “We’ll start with the practice soon. One member of each couple please come get the necessary materials.”  She ordered in her sergeant-like voice.

“I’ll go.” Nate mumbled, clearing his throat. Oh please, don’t be all awkward now. You cheated on me with my best friend, get over it, I have.

As soon as he left, my face fell on top of my crossed arms on the table as I whimpered to myself in self-pity. Kelsey sent me a knowing look from across the classroom, like she was sharing my pain and encouraging me to go through it.

God must really hate me because not only do I have to see this guy’s face every single day at school but, also, my mom loves talking about him.

“Brooklyn! Are you awake?” My mom called, making me quickly hid my phone under my pillow and pretend I was reading a book instead of texting Justin. Just on cue, the door to my room burst open, revealing my mother in her night gown.

“Hmmm.” I nodded, setting the book down, not really caring to mark the page since I had chosen it randomly.

She took a seat on the edge of the bed, the house phone resting on her lap. “I talked with Nate.”

“Oh, really?” I tried not to sound like I didn’t give a damn when I really didn’t.

“Yes.” She nodded, tucking a lost tendril of hair that had escaped her bun behind her ear. ”I asked him to do the model thing for the new men’s line and he accepted.” She gave me a small smile.

“That’s great.” I faked enthusiasm but I guess I didn’t do a good job because she eyed me warily. Okay, forgive me if I can’t pretend I’m happy that  ex boyfriend – who I also caught plain on making out  with my ex bestfriend on  birthday  – is gonna be working with my mother.

B.R.O.N.X (by swaggiebiebsie)Where stories live. Discover now