28. Dope

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“Oh for fuck’s sake, shut that damn thing off.” Justin exclaimed irritated against the pillow, making me only then realize that the alarm clock was ringing loudly. I could feel the warmth of his body around me, little beads of sweat forming in the back of my neck from how hot his skin was.

I stretched my free arm and began to slap the surface of my nightstand until I casually hit the snooze button of the alarm and the annoying beeping stopped echoing around the room. Justin emitted a satisfied moan. Meanwhile I groaned when it sank in that I actually had to wake up for school after less than 4 hours of sleep.

“Don’t go to school today.” Justin mumbled still half-asleep, tightening the arm he had around me. During the night I had ended up giving my back to him and our fingers were interlocked on top of my tummy.

“I have to go.” I stated, trying to convince myself more than him as I disentangled our legs and our fingers. I had to catch my balance once I was out of the bed, nearly tripping with my own feet. My head was a bit fuzzy due to the lack of sleep and I basically felt like the morning I had woken up with a hangover, even though all I had drank at yesterday’s “party” was coke.

Justin didn’t make any attempt to leave the comfort of the bed so I took advantage to walk into the bathroom. Once inside, I used the toilet and then opened the tap of the sink to splash cool water on my heated face and neck. It helped me wake up a little and when I met my reflection in the mirror, a smile was tugging at the ends of my lips. Believe it or not, I just spent the whole night cuddling with Justin. The voice at the back of my head was fangirling.

While I brushed my hair, trying to unknot the mess I had created over night, I thought about the things Justin had said to me a mere few hours before.

“I’m sorry. I don’t ever wanna fight again.”

“If you don’t stop now, I don’t know if I’ll be able to stop myself.”

“Good, because I want to be the first one to be this close to you, baby.”

Remembering everything – and especially that last sentence – was making me feel all giddy inside, I didn’t even need to apply blush because my cheeks were already pink. I finished my makeup and hair, settling for only mascara and lip-gloss – accompanied by a generous amount of concealer to cover the purple bags under my eyes – and a simple side braid.

I heard rustling when I came out of the bathroom, its source being a very sleepy Justin putting on his t-shirt and shoes. So no contemplating his abs for me this time either.

“You can use the bathroom if you want now.” I offered him, jabbing my thumb back at the door.

“Alright.” He gave me a cheeky, yet sleepy, grin before getting inside.

“By the way, there are spare toothbrushes in the drawer under the sink.” I informed before he closed the door after saying a ‘thanks’ back.

I walked to my closet and searched for an outfit. Since I wasn’t really in the mood for something complicated, I picked a pair of black leggings, my combat boots and an off black & white striped sweater. By the time Justin was back in the room, I was already dressed and ready to leave my house before someone of my family  would find out Justin was here.

Right on cue, there was a knocking on my door, followed by my mother shouts. “Brooklyn, darling, are you ready? You’re gonna be late!”

Justin and I exchanged panic glances – well, maybe I was the only one who panicked and Justin, as usual, didn’t give a damn.

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