9. Lying

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“I like your perfume by the way!” Justin shouted before disappearing inside the building. I’m gonna mark this day in the calendar as the day I’ve giggled and blushed the most in my entire life. What is this boy doing to me?

I made sure that all the windows were rolled up and the doors were locked before driving off to my house. The streets were pretty much deserted, except for some drunken people sprawled on thepavement here and there and some prostitutes, showing their cleavages to the cars passing by. Yes, that includes my car. Gross. I shook my head to get rid of the image and stopped at a red light, right next to the ‘Social Work Office’. I watched the windows, plastered in posters announcing free vaccines for children and old people or free condoms to prevent STD’s. The metal shutter concealed the glass door I had seen before and it was covered in an orange graffiti that said ‘Tumor’. I’ve seen the same word more than once around here.

I kept driving, trying not to glance at my sides and just focus on getting home. It was hard since I could hear people shouting even when my car was almost blinded. And I thought this place was scary at day light.

Suddenly I felt someone tapping on my window when I stopped at a red light. Why am I running into all the red lights? I turned around with a terrified expression only to find a black boy about 20 smirking at me.

“Hey baby.” He yelled but I refused to even reply. “Roll this down so we can talk.” He winked.

No please God, I know I never pray but if you save me from this guy I’ll go to church every Sunday, I promise.

I shook my head and stepped on the accelerator even though the light wasn’t green yet. “Fuck you!” He shouted before I was too far away to hear him anymore. That was close.

The rest of the ride I was shaking so when I started seeing the lively streets of Manhattan I sighed in relief. I parked inside the garage and checked the time on my phone. Almost 10 pm, and to add to that, I have three missed calls from my mom. I’m screwed. Maybe the black boy wasn’t so bad in comparison to what will be waiting for me when I get home. If I’m lucky enough my parents will be at one of their diners with ‘important friends’.

I spent the whole time in the elevator thinking about excuses to tell my parents. I couldn’t come up with anything believable and I was a nervous wreck. I guess I’ll have to stick to the ‘I ran into a friend in the street’ old excuse.

As soon as I stepped out of the elevator I tiptoed to our door and silently took my set of keys out of my purse, sliding the right one in the lock and twisting it softly but swiftly. The door made a cracking sound causing me to curse under my breath. I felt like I was coming home at 4 in the morning or something instead of just 10 pm. I looked to my left. There was light coming from the living room.

“Where were you missy?” My mother’s stern voice came from my right, startling me.

“God, mom you scared me.” I let out a laugh, trying to ease the tension.

 It didn’t work.

It felt like her eyes were trying to burn their way into my brain. I tried to keep a blank expression so she wouldn’t suspect anything but it was getting hard to even hold her stare.

“You’re probably wondering why I haven’t called…” I trailed off casually, laughing nervously.

Her face told me she was.

“Well you see, I was walking around Times Square after I left your office, talking on the phone with Natasha when I saw someone.” At least I was telling some of the truth. I hate lying to my parents, or to anyone for that matter, but it’s not like I can tell them that I was hanging out with that boy from the Bronx my brother forbid me to see because he speaks trouble and to whom I just gave a lift home to that same dangerous as hell neighborhood. No, I’m not ready to die, thanks.

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