58. Broken

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I awoke to white spots before my eyes. I didn't know whether I was lying or standing because I felt like my body was floating on chloroform. My head was throbbing and my mouth felt dry, but slowly I blinked away the blurry blanket that deadened my vision.

I made out the shadows of blue and red light and something pressing my back to a padded surface. Then I realized I was sitting, and the movement underneath my body was slightly uneven so I must've been in a car.

"I think she's regaining consciousness," a voice said. Consciousness? How long had I been passed out?

I forced my head to move and I realized I was in a car. A police car. My dad was driving this time, muttering things into the car's radio system. The same red-haired guy from before was riding shotgun, a worried look on his face.

"Brooklyn," the same voice called. "Brooklyn, are you okay?"

I looked into the concerned eyes of Tyson. He was sitting by my side, and only then did I notice I'd been resting my head on his shoulder.

"I think so," I croaked out.

He let out a breath of relief. "We're on our way to the hospital. We'll be there soon."

Suddenly the sound of the sirens pierced my ears, completely bringing me back to reality.

Sirens. Police. Paramedics. Blood. Lots of blood.

"Justin," I said, the urgency of my voice surprising even myself. I'd been trying so hard to put thoughts of him to the back of my mind for the past days that I'd almost forgotten how much I still cared about him.

My dad stopped talking, meeting my gaze in the rearview mirror. "He's in good hands, sweetheart. They'll do everything they can."

Why did that not sound so reassuring? I knew why. I'd seen the scene, I was replaying it in my mind as the car flew past the lively streets of the Bronx. All the blood... I know it'd had to be an awful lot to make me faint. Because the only other time I'd ever really blacked out was back in the ninth grade when I was getting blood tests and a nurse dropped a tray of vials on the floor. Blood started spreading everywhere and I felt myself pass out.

"You understand we'll have to take you in for questioning, right?" My dad turned his eyes to Tyson.

He swallowed and nodded. I squeezed his hand. I knew my dad would be careful with Tyson knowing he was my friend and that he too was freaking out at the moment.

We arrived at Jacobi Medical Center at nearly midnight. I had lost track of time before so I had no idea of how long it had been since I'd seen Justin being carried to the ambulance.

As soon as we parked just outside the ER doors, I sprinted out of the parking lot and toward the building, feeling my heart beat in my chest at a speed that was almost frightening. I could hear Tyson hot in my heels.

I reached the counter just in time for the phone to ring, almost plowing into it from how fast I'd been running. I shot the woman behind it a look as if daring her to attend the call before me. She narrowed her eyes but didn't have time to shoo me away before I was demanding to know where Justin was.

"You don't understand," I said when she refused to tell me anything. "That boy is the love of my life and we had a huge fight before he got into an accidentand  now he might be dying thinking that I hate him. I need to see him now."

I must've been a bit loud because several people around the ER waiting room were staring at me, probably thinking I was a drama queen and that they had enough of their own problems to be bothered by my anxiety. Tyson was giving everyone the stink eye, but I kept my desperate eyes trained on the woman behind the counter. The phone hadn't stopped ringing and I was on the verge of ripping the cord from its base.

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