27. Trust me

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I stormed out of the place, not even bothering to wait for the elevator as I ran up the flights of stairs. My lungs welcomed the cool air once I stepped foot in the street. I tugged violently at my hair and kicked everything I found in my way, whether it was a rubbish bin, an empty can of beer or a cat. I was frustrated and furious, not only with Brooklyn but also with myself. Once again, I had let my anger get the best of me. I had lost it in front of her but the fuming state my mind was in wouldn’t let me admit my guilt. Not that it was entirely my fault because it was her who lied but still. I stuffed my hands in the pockets of my black jacket and started walking to the subway station.

Damn why did I have to forget to put gas in the car this morning? Now I had a long journey thinking about how I screwed up with Brooklyn ahead. Great.

My phone ringtone went off, distracting me only to show it was Brooklyn calling. I didn’t pick up, I was still too heated to talk to her. Switching the silent mode on, I stuffed my phone back in my pocket. I was glaring at anyone who looked my way, scaring a couple of people before I finally was in the subway car. I found an empty seat since the tube wasn’t really crowded at 11 pm.

My head rested against a bar, vibrating with the movements of the car until it started to hurt. The churning sensation in my stomach wouldn’t disappear and it wasn’t something I was used to. I think it’s called remorses. “Fucking hell.” I muttered to myself, kicking a lost sheet of a newspaper that was near my feet. I earned a few strange looks that I didn’t pay attention to, instead focusing on the internal fight I was having in my head.

I got my phone out of my jean’s pocket and saw another 2 missed calls from Brooklyn and a text.

Justin, please pick up. I’m sorry. We need to talk.

I started playing Angry Birds trying to get my mind off the subject. But I had no luck. Closing the app, I sighed, bringing my fist to my mouth. I was alone in the car now since I was pretty near my neighborhood already. My finger slid down my list of contacts. The first one I had was Alejandra. For a mere second my brain thought about calling her out of habit, after all I used to have sex with her to release my tension every time I was angry before. But I quickly dismissed the idea. I wasn’t that desperate, plus I wasn’t gonna cheat on Brooklyn with that slut just because of a fight, I’m not like that. That would only prove to her that she can’t trust me and I would lose her forever.

Suddenly, the iPhone vibrated in my hands with an incoming call. “What?” I answered coldly.

“Hey man, what sup?” Turns out it was Tyson who called, I hadn’t even looked at the ID.

“What do you want, Tyson?” I snapped.

“Woah, someone’s on their period today.” He sniggered and I rolled my eyes. How appropriate for the situation… I rubbed my free hand across my face, sighing. “What’s wrong, bro?”

“Brooke and I just fought.” I admitted, slumping more on the hard and uncomfortable seat, staring at the glass window that had words painted and scratched across it in front of me.

“Why?” He asked curiously.

“Sex.” I said simply.

“You didn’t threaten her with dumping her if she didn’t have sex, did you?”  Before I could tell him I hadn’t, he continued. “Justin, you can’t do that! She’s gonna—“

“Tyson, I didn’t do that!” I exclaimed to shut him up.


“It’s a long story… ” I trailed off, not wanting to dwell on it. Tyson made a sound with his throat as if to signal he wanted to hear, so I sighed before going on. “Basically we were making out when she said she couldn’t go further because she was on her period but it wasn’t true so I got mad at her later for lying to me.”

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