49. He could be the one

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I watched the raindrops sliding down the glass window next to me as I stirred my milkshake with a straw. It was pouring outside so Justin had suggested we ate something at Betty's before I had to go home.

I watched the sandy-haired boy sitting across from me on the booth as his eyes got lost in the storm shaking the city. Lightning streaked the darkening sky, making it look like it was much later than it actually was. Unlike most people, I actually liked storms. I mean, I wouldn't stand in the middle of the street for a bolt of lightning to fry me alive, but I got mesmerized by the way it made the city glow.

I shifted in my seat, wincing when the cloth of my sweater rubbed against the gauze covering the sensitive skin of my hip. I had tried to play it cool at the tattoo shop—and had done a pretty good job if I say so myself—but the needle piercing my skin had hurt like hell, especially the first few minutes. However, I was really happy with my small princess crown. It had definitely been worth it, and I couldn't have thought of anything better to get.

The crown was a perfect symbol of my lifelong wish to become a princess—in the figurative sense of the word, of course. I wasn't expecting a real Prince from some European country to fall in love with me like in that movie The Prince and Me. I just wanted my own Prince Charming—someone that would respect me, cherish me, and treat me like I was the only girl in the world—and I was pretty sure I had found that person already. I was aware that I was young, that a lot of things can happen that end up a couple, that we had a lot of doubters, that our relationship wasn't exactly easy... But I wanted it to be forever. I wanted Justin to be the one. I was actually convinced that he was the one.

I was snapped back to reality from my cheesy daydream by Justin's voice. "Stop feeling so cool because you got a tattoo. One doesn't make you a badass," he said teasingly.

Then, I realized I'd had a grin plastered on my face the whole time. He must have thought it was a proud grin rather than a dreamy one, and I wasn't about to let him know what was actually crossing my mind. I'm positive he would've freaked out had I told him I thought he was my other half. My soulmate. My happy ever after.

I need to stop watching so many chick-flicks and reading romance novels, I thought.

We were still working on his commitment issues, although I must admit Justin was being a pretty awesome boyfriend considering he'd  never dated anyone seriously before.

"I will feel badass if I want to," I retorted childishly, making him laugh.

Justin had nearly finished the plate of curly fries we'd ordered to share, and his vanilla milkshake—an all-time favorite of his­—was down to less than half of the cup.

Betty's was much more crowded today than it had been back in October, when Justin had taken me there in our "friendly date". Back then Betty had believed I was more than just a friend. Back then I had started battling with the blooming feelings I was developing for Justin. So much had changed since that day. It seemed like years ago now instead of just a few months.

 I could barely hear the background music over the cries of children and chattering of friends and couples today, though. Actually, we hadn't even seen Betty yet. Some perky blonde girl had come up to our table to take our orders. Justin didn't seem to know her, but I had instantly liked her when she had noticed he was my boyfriend—unlike any other girl in this planet—and hadn't even tried to be flirty with him.

"I'm glad you liked the present," Justin said, drumming his fingers on the shiny metal table as he gave me a cute smile.

I smiled back. "Your presents tend to be amazing," I admitted, thinking back to the graffiti I'd gotten for my birthday, the Subway car for my charm bracelet, the dog tag he'd randomly given while sitting on my favorite tree in Central Park...

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