52. Mute suspicions

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Next Monday at school Kelsey couldn't seem to drop the topic of Friday night.

Why were Justin and you gone for so long?

Where did you go?

Why were you all flustered when you guys came back?

Oh my God, you totally did it in his car!

You're my hero!

Her gushing was incessant from the moment we met at our lockers until the bell for the first periodrang. Of course, I hadn't answered any of her questions, although I bet my embarrassed expression had spoken in my behalf.

A tiny part of me wanted to tell Kelsey what a turn on it had been to do it in the backseat of Justin's car, feeling the wheels bouncing up and down—they actually bounced! —and how amazing and hot it was, but at the same time, it had been a private moment between Justin and me. It felt wrong to tell other people about it, especially when I had been the one insisting that I wanted to make love to Justin so he could forget about the many things that sucked about his life right now. I just wanted to keep that night to myself, locked in the little box titled "Most Amazing Moments Of My Life".

As expected, Kelsey didn't give up on her search for gossip, at least not until someone else called my name. I turned around to be met with a pair of clear blue eyes and a mop of brown hair. I immediately recognized Caleb.

"It's Brooklyn, right?" he asked hesitantly when I didn't respond at first.

"Yeah," I said quickly, smiling.

Kelsey gave me a small wave and her See you in class look before strutting away. The second bell would ring any minute, and if Caleb wasn't quick with whatever he was here for, we'd both be late for class.

"I just wanted to ask you if you know anything about Jazmyn," he said, twisting his hands around the straps of his backpack nervously. "I've been calling and texting her all week, but she hasn't replied."

I bit the inside of my cheek. Caleb seemed truly concerned, his eyes were wide with worry, and his mouth and nose wrinkled a little. However, I couldn't just explain everything to him. It wasn't my place to tell. My best chance was bringing the subject up when I saw Jazzy later and hoping it'd get a reaction out of her.

"Jazmyn's okay. Actually, I'll probably see her this afternoon. I'll let her know you asked for her," I assured him, if that could count as assurance.

Caleb looked unsure, frowning slightly. But the second bell rang and he knew he didn't have more time to look into it.

"Just tell her that I really want to see her again." With a tight smile he thanked me and then left for his class.

I felt bad for him, but I couldn't exactly drop the news on him like, "Well, Jazmyn's dad died in Afghanistan, and now she refuses to talk to anyone, she won't leave the house unless you drag her out, and she probably has forgotten that you exist right now," and then say, "Have a good day!"


I would definitely speak to Jazzy later today, though.

When I got to homeroom, I slipped right before the teacher. We had English with Mrs. Johnson. As soon as she settled on the teacher's chair, she started droning about the book we were reading at the moment, Sense and Sensibility. I wasn't paying much attention as she discussed with herself and a couple of students on the front row—but mostly with herself—whether it was that clear that Elinor represented sense and Marianne sensibility, or if they had a bit of both.

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